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Screenshot Puppet President Joe Biden. The BFD.

Eric Davies

The wait, a record 64 days, the longest in 100 years, for former Vice-President Biden to get out of bed and stand in front of a podium, then make words with his mouth that other people have put in there, has finally come and gone.  Biden shuffled to the stand, delivered a liturgy of lies, then took the real hard ball, tough questions from the lame stream media like “What’s your favourite colour?” and “Just how wonderful are you?”

The former VP’s obvious cognitive decline was on full display.  He struggled to finish a thought or a sentence without referring to the notes in front of him.  During answers to three questions on foreign policy, he read from prepared talking points – no recent president has done that.  He was verbally shambling, wandered off subject and at several points just ‘got lost in the weeds’.  It was a shame to see this from such an experienced politician, who in his younger days had been a force to be reckoned with.

Let’s look at just a few of the points that former VP Biden made:

The Border Crisis.

Former VP, President Biden insisted that the surge in numbers of illegal immigrants coming across the border “…happens every single, solitary year. Nothing has changed.” He’s lying. Record numbers of arrivals are being reported daily, and even NBC recently called the crossings the highest in 20 years.

President Biden said that the majority of immigrants are being returned to their home countries. Again, this is a lie. For example, on the weekend 13-14 March, 13,000 people illegally crossed the border. 13% of these illegal immigrant families were returned. The remaining 87% of the family members who crossed the border will be allowed to go through immigration proceedings after they entered the US (according to Axios). Thirteen percent is not a majority in anything other than President Biden’s fevered imagination.

Biden said, “…let them starve to death and stay on the other side — no previous administration did that either, except Trump.”  Again, an outright, despicable lie. From Stephen Miller in a recent interview with Fox:

“What Joe Biden said at that press conference is a detestable lie,’ Miller told Fox News. ‘It’s not just a smear against President Trump. It’s a smear against the patriotic border agents who saved the lives, who rescued unaccompanied minors and got them safely back home.  If you came here as a 15-year-old from Honduras and Border Patrol apprehended you, they would then process you, put you on a chartered flight paid for by the U.S. Government, send you back to your home country, meet up with social services in Honduras, work with our State Department to get you back with your own family,’ Miller said of Trump policies.”


Nobody mentioned that Biden actually broke the record for the number of unaccompanied minors in custody when he and Obama were last in office – 3,200 (according to CNN). The total number of unaccompanied migrant children in custody right now is 15,500, so congratulations Joe, your policy of not keeping kids in cages is really working for you there.

Since the start of 2021, 10,000 Illegal immigrants have been released into the USA. That’s 10,000 people who will work for below minimum wage, not pay tax, eviscerate Medicare and Medicaid budgets at hospital Emergency Rooms, and undercut wages that other poor (legal) families desperately need.

He then said that people are leaving South America because of earthquakes and floods not because of his systematic dismantling of Trump’s effective policies of ‘Remain in Mexico’ and ‘build the wall’. It would be funny if it weren’t so alarming.

“A two trillion dollar Trump tax cut that went to the top 1%”

The following from Thomas Sowell (senior fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution) on the whole “Tax cuts for the Rich” lie, and bear in mind this was written when Obama was in office:

“The hardest of these hard facts is that the revenues collected from federal income taxes during every year of the Reagan administration were higher than the revenues collected from federal income taxes during any year of any previous administration. How can that be? Because tax RATES and tax REVENUES are two different things. Tax rates and tax revenues can move in either the same direction or in opposite directions, depending on how the economy responds. As for “the rich”, higher-income taxpayers paid more – repeat, MORE tax revenues into the federal treasury under the lower tax rates than they had under the previous higher tax rates.
“That happened not only during the Reagan administration, but also during the Coolidge administration and the Kennedy administration before Reagan, and under the G W Bush administration after Reagan. All these administrations cut tax rates and received higher tax revenues than before.”

Quite why people fall for this “Only the rich benefit from tax cuts” is beyond me, but it is pretty obvious that Biden’s actively preying on people’s innate sense of jealousy and injustice by saying that “Only the rich got a tax cut”.

There is no question that Americans were far better off under Trump than Obama. You can argue that Trump inherited a strong economy and there is some merit in that argument, but there’s no denying the fact that the average American’s wage went up by $5,000 (after adjusting for inflation). Compare that to eight years of Obama, when it went only went up by $1,043. In eight years under the Obama/Biden regime, the middle class in America paid more taxes, made less money, and their healthcare costs skyrocketed (Census Bureau figures).

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Kiri Allan

Kiri Allan

Their apparent belief that their fast-diminishing, remaining, audience wishes to view Allan’s bum says everything about their abysmal judgment and consequential decline.

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