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There’s a movement afoot seeking mainstream acceptance of a definition of sexuality that some traditionalists view as deviant behaviour or a mental illness or both.

The “Drag Queen Story Hour” snuck into New Zealand libraries to visually assault pre-schoolers with the spectacle of transvestites wearing women’s skimpy clothing, full make up, and jewellery. Lots of jewellery. No, no nefarious activity here, just odd-looking men improving their public profile by reading stories to tots. Gender-fluid stories, mainly.

You don’t have to practise gender diversity, but the woke world we live in instructs us to accept those that do. We must give them our approval. Live and let live and all that, except they are encroaching on our much loved infants and threatening biological women – so no, they don’t get a free pass.

No one, it seems is exempt. Do homosexuals in the rainbow community really want to go down on a stinking little ship caught up in a rapidly raging storm against the immovable foundation stone of two biological genders?

I suspect not, and therefore appeal to homosexuals in the rainbow community to stand up, and draw a line in the sand against sexually propagandising toddlers and threatening the community safe spaces of women and girls.

Naturally, the rainbow movement has the backing of the MSM, but that is no reason to back down. There is a way through the gender fluidity debate that allows for a strategic retreat. That way is the rainbow community addressing the most vociferous miscreants.

If the community itself can’t calm things down through sensible dialogue, handbags at dawn is always an option. This is a serious subject, but I’d pay good money to watch.

Kim Hill doesn’t think that women are affected by gender fluidity at all, a point she failed to successfully make during her interview with guest Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull (aka Posie Parker) on Friday morning.

Insults and talking over the top of her guest were Hill’s modus operandi. Apparently, Keen-Minshull doesn’t understand how an interview should be conducted as it is perfectly acceptable to tell Keen-Minshull that her motive is to destroy the trans community. It was all done in Hill’s deadly boring, headmistress-like monotone as she unsuccessfully went in to bat for the trans community.

Hill is not aware that gender fluidity is an issue affecting us all. Instead, she viewed Keen-Minshull as a rabid transphobic with connections to the potentially violent neo-Nazis who turned up, uninvited, to her Melbourne rally titled “Let Women Speak”.

If you are still wondering what Keen-Minshull is about, the clue is in her event title, her agenda is very simple and clear.

She is touring Australasia to make women aware that “women with penises” are a threat to the safe spaces belonging to biological women and girls. That’s it!

Quite why Keen-Minshull is considered such a threat by the New Zealand rainbow community is a mystery. Their claim she is a “physical threat” is a smoke screen and hard to believe when Keen-Minshull is a diminutive woman and they are biological males (some of them quite large). At any rate, NZ Immigration agreed with Keen-Minshull that she and her followers are not a physical threat.

The rainbow community pressed on and lodged a High Court challenge – which also failed.

Why? Why is the rainbow community so intent on stopping this woman from speaking?

Transgenders have every reason to be worried about the damage that open discussion will do to their MSM-approved gender fluidity branding. It could destroy it.

Does that make Keen-Minshull a transphobe? Am I a transphobe because I don’t want my grandchildren taught to ignore their biological sex and choose another at a very young age?

How is transphobia defined?

The Collins dictionary definition: “fears or hates transgender people”

Wikipedia definition: “transphobia is a collection of ideas and phenomena that encompass a range of negative attitudes, feelings or actions”

Miriam-Webster definition: “transphobia is an irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against transgender people

Urban dictionary definition: “someone who is correct about gender”

I will go with the Urban dictionary definition.

It’s quite simple really.
