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black man riding horse emboss-printed mail box
Photo by Kirsty TG. The BFD.

December 20th, 2021.

Following on from my last letter, because of the fascinating Boris Johnson spectacular meltdown being played out in front of us I have arranged for extra supplies of popcorn to be shipped directly to my door.

Supplies of popcorn on their way.

Joking aside, it really is getting fascinating watching the political theatre unfold.

The party scandals from last year increase almost daily. The latest incident is illustrated with pictures of a “business meeting” in the garden of number 10 Downing Street. It shows various luminaries indulging in cheese and wine, among them Dominic Cummings, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Matt Hancock (RIP) and other staffers. What makes this intriguing is that the pictures appear to have been taken from an office window in 11 Downing Street, current occupant Rishi Sunak, Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Source The Guardian.

To add to the troubles (and sense of fantasy and hilarity), a member of the house of Lords, Baroness Jones of Moulsecoomb, of the Green Party, wrote to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) to raise concerns over the reported event on December 18, 2020, and the lack of an investigation. The force then self-referred to the IOPC.

The force has now replied:

I have referred your complaint to the Independent Office for Police Conduct given that you effectively allege misconduct in public office by MPS police officers.

‘The IOPC will now make a determination as to whether the complaint needs to be investigated and if so, how.’  Said Acting Detective Chief Superintendent Tony O’ Sullivan.

An IOPC spokesperson said: ‘We can confirm that, on Friday December 17, we received a referral from the Metropolitan Police Service of a complaint about an alleged party at Downing Street in December 2020.

She also asserted that Met Commissioner Dame Cressida Dick has refused to investigate allegations of an unlawful gathering on December 18, 2020.

Disaster Dick as she is known, had her contract renewed against much opposition after a series of unfortunate incidents in her career, on the grounds that the alternatives were much worse!

She is so politically well connected that the feeling is that this latest allegation of improper/incompetent conduct won’t get past the initial assessment.

More allegations of “business meetings” are surfacing and will keep us entertained over the holidays.

The latest poll results are out: –

Labour 39% (+2)

Conservative 31% (-1)

Liberal Democrat 13% (+2)

Green 6% (-1)

Reform UK 5% (-2)

Scottish National Party 5% (+1)

Plaid Cymru 1% (+1)

Other 1% (–)

This is disastrous for Johnson and his party won’t tolerate it for much longer. The public realises that Johnson often lies, and whilst this was tolerated in the past because he got things done (Brexit) and was part of his schtick, this is no longer the case. What caused this was the feeling that there is one rule for them and another rule for us. The British public doesn’t like politicians taking the mick.

They are also fed up with the figures emerging from the experts which lack consistency and are often overstated. When they are delivered in a smug expression of superiority, they no longer believe them. The government and experts have disclosed that there are currently 129 people in hospital with the Omicron variant of the coronavirus and so far, 14 people have died with it, junior health minister Gillian Keegan told Sky News on Wednesday. This information had to be dragged out of the Government.

SAGE estimated that 1million Britons could be catching Omicron every day by the end of the year.

Top UK scientists are still waiting for data on how severe the variant is, how many hospitalisations it will cause and how well the vaccines and booster hold out against it. This data is thought to be just days away, with experts saying they need at least 250 Omicron hospitalisations to determine the impact of the strain.

Projections from SAGE that the Omicron surge could lead to 10,000 hospitalisations and 6,000 deaths per day this winter were this week branded as ‘fiction’. To repeat: so far 14 deaths with Omnicron.

Source Daily Mail 21st December 202.1

No wonder the public are brassed off. I have my popcorn at the ready as it promises to be a spectacle to behold as the government try to explain all this.

In New Xi-Land a message from our leader:

The biggest lie I have told? It was this big. Honest!!

Finally, I wish both my readers a very, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
