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Former Labour Party MP, Georgina Beyer, poses at home in Wellington, Thursday. 30 July 2015 Herald on Sunday Photograph by Hagen Hopkins

Never having heard of Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull or her alter-ego ‘The Posie Parker’ before objections were raised about her impending visit here, I tried to get a handle on what the fuss was about. The first thing I learned was: there is no balance in coverage of her ‘Let Women Speak’ campaign from mainstream media, while our public broadcaster’s efforts in framing her position border on disgracefully biased:

It’s all about the language, wordsmiths know what they are doing when they choose their adjectives and when they all exhibit the same slant, the same prejudices, then we should be concerned. Why is she constantly referred to as ‘anti-trans’ this-or-that but not ‘pro female’? Why is she described as ‘trampling trans-rights’ but her detractors are not described as ‘trampling female-rights’? Why is she described as a ‘homophobe’ but her antagonists are not described as ‘homophile’?

The hatred displayed towards her message is extraordinary, the circumvention of female rights – the ignoring of them – in favour of ‘inclusion’ is a discussion we have to have in 2023, and we have to accept some hurt feelings will result.

We recently witnessed ‘Big Gay Out’ carried off without disruption or derision, and we witnessed the public respect, indeed the exaltations heaped in respect of the life and career of trailblazer Georgina Beyer following her untimely death, yet, ask yourself: would that respect extend to Georgina’s stand on, say – teenage ‘transitioning’:

“Transing children, well I am concerned about decisions being made by parents. I think like anything if it is going to be lasting and permanent wait until you are old enough to make that decision.”

Or should Georgina have been shouted down, and hated for saying it? Where does the late Ms Beyer’s reality-check rate among our anti-Keen-Minshull agitators?

“I have always called myself a transexual who was born a biological male. Some now want to call themselves trans women and deny they were born a biological male. Sure, be whatever you want to be, but don’t deny reality.”

Isn’t that what Keen-Minshull is saying too?

In her noteworthy career, Beyer attracted much attention and one particular occasion, as described by the Herald:

“was an event that would once have been inconceivable. A transgendered New Zealand political and media personality, once a sex worker, chairing an event at the three-levelled Q Theatre in Auckland, which showcased another trans woman, an ex-United States Army officer and convicted whistle-blower [Chelsea Manning].”

This is all the more remarkable since, according to Golriz Gaslighting Gharaman as of yesterday, that’s an event that never happened because Manning was “barred” from coming here:

The intellectual-featherweight Green compounds her ignorance, or her deliberate lying, who knows (Maybe she’s just completely thick?) by refusing to acknowledge her false statement, despite numerous replies pointing out her error, and in doing so Gharahman is misleading, mal-informing, her cohort of young fans.

Ms Beyer said “don’t deny reality”, Gharaman ignores it, lies about it, and screeches hatred in the name of ‘solidarity’ amplified by a disingenuous press that will show respect to Beyer in addressing her by her preferred pronoun, but show none whatsoever to Keen-Minshull who asks not to be known as an “anti-trans activist” but as a “women’s rights advocate”.

“Formidable”. Wasn’t she just? – “Georgina is adamant people should be able to pose questions without being labelled ‘transphobic’. “I’ve been labelled ‘transphobic’, for instance. I mean, how bloody ridiculous.” Georgina’s take home message: “We need to be able to talk without being offended. Yes, you may hear something you disagree with. So be it.”

Have a nice day, including all you ‘Posie Parker’ haters, but remember: “don’t deny reality”, and if you “hear something you disagree with. So be it.”
