The original Ten Commandments are pretty basic.
- Believe in the Lord thy God.
- Do not worship false idols
- Do not swear by His name.
- Work six days a week, worship, and rest one day a week.
- Respect your parents (and elders).
- Do not murder anyone.
- Do not steal anything.
- Do not commit adultery.
- Do not lie.
- Do not envy or covet.
Our western society based its foundation on these rules which is the predominant reason why a stable and prosperous society flourished. It is not perfect, but historically it’s the best system worldwide.
Today our society finds itself in a state of confusion and flux as it rejects its foundational principles while making up its own rules to replace them.

I hereby submit for consideration the new 10 woke commandments.

1. Thou shall wear a mask.
Wearing a mask is now the epitome of social awareness and virtue signalling. “There is no greater love than this, that thou apply one’s mask before going out.” In some parts of America, mainly in left-wing states and cities, the mask is a convenient disguise so that no one can identify the ANTIFA wearer peacefully protesting by breaking into a jewellery store or torching a police car.

2. Thou shall stay home when told to by the PM.
(Unless of course there is a riot or a ‘peaceful protest’ happening nearby, or if you enjoy roadblocks or land grabs, or are a minister of the crown, because then COVID just doesn’t matter).
3. Thou shall hate President Trump, all those who support him, any action he takes and proclaim that he lies and is a racist. (Thou shalt also hate men, police, capitalism, guns, genuine human rights and freedom; ie all Christian-based Western culture).
4. Thou shall kill (or at least advocate for such killing of) all unborn unwanted babies.
5. Thou shall have any kind of physical relationship one desires, when and where one desires it, with whom or with what one desires.
6. Thou shall not engage in logical or critical thinking. Do not become informed or knowledgeable. Do not learn from history, or develop a vocabulary beyond buzz words like “oppressed,” “systemic” or “racist”. Thou shall make all thy judgements based on emotions and feelz.

7. Thou shall destroy. Anything will do. Statues and monuments are prime targets, as are private or public property and election billboards that espouse democracy and reason. Thou shalt spray enough graffiti to poison the atmosphere for months and leave behind piles of refuse.
8. Thou shall steal in bulk in the American Democrat-run States while protesting that “Black Lives Matter”. Thou shall steal Nikes, smart TVs, Rolexes, $5,000 handbags, exotic cars and whatever else is expensive and can be fenced easily as this will right all the wrongs of the universe.
9. Thou shall strip the rich of whatever they have because if they have it, you do not.
10. Thou shall speak ill about, or physically attack or cancel anyone who gets in the way of identity politics such as the police, the rule of law, the elderly, the nuclear family, mothers and children, clergy, one’s parents, grandparents, colleagues, authors and artists. Do not let them get away with being normal and happy; because being content, independent, and self-aware is ‘privileged’.
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