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The World Succumbed So Easily

The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Many politicians and Kiwis are ignoring the event, not daring to reflect on what just happened. Everything is back to normal. Working, taking holidays, parenting children, living their lives. There’s nothing to see here. Nothing to ponder on. New Zealanders succumbed easily to the longest and harshest of lockdowns and numerous jabs of an unknown substance. It’s become just as easy to switch off and forget what happened. All of us moving on from the consequences of a superbly orchestrated global COVID-19 pandemic and an ‘impressive’ vaccine programme.

Never in the history of the world, has humanity been in unison to this degree. Incredibly, in 2020 the world just stopped. Flights were grounded. All Western countries were talking from the same page, saying the same things, even using the same phrases. It was remarkable how the masses of people from different cultures obeyed. The scale was breathtaking.

The bulk of Kiwis succumbed to the demands of their leaders. Most obeyed to the letter.

At the time some began to ask how is this happening? This doesn’t quite sit right.

Professor Mattias Desmet, a Belgian clinical psychologist rose to prominence in 2021 when his theory of mass formation or mass formation psychosis was expressed in regard to governments, health professionals and humankind’s reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic.

An Amazon book review sums up the Desmet theory.

Most interesting to Desmet was how many government officials, bureaucrats and much of the public got swept up in an authoritative narrative (very consciously by some, unconsciously by others), and the psychological juggernaut gathered its own momentum as it steamrolled over the world (and especially developed countries), regardless of what reasonable sound scientific data was revealing through the noise.

Desmet’s theory was welcomed with a measure of relief. Nothing added up. It didn’t make sense, but at last, a professional gave a reasonable psychological justification for the extraordinary situation.

But then the pressure came onto the people. Bad leaders and bad people do awful things, and suddenly leaders’ styles around the world went to another level. In New Zealand the Prime Minister daily exerted more nastiness and punishment than this country has ever seen. She was not psychotic. She came at the people in a relentless cruel and tyrannical way. From her podium kiwis were told by PM Ardern to do her bidding, or else.

It got even darker. A new ‘social bond ‘was established by the people who came to wage a ‘war on COVID’. Not only the virus was considered the enemy but anyone who did not join the ‘war’ by questioning COVID-19 measures and vaccines. Kiwis in their misguided righteous anger turned on other Kiwis and snitched on their unvaccinated colleagues, neighbours, or family members.

The BFD. Snitch Culture. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker

A dark energy was experienced. It felt bad. Kiwis were very angry. It hurt when the ‘obedient’ vaccinated school staff clapped when the ‘horrible’ non-compliant teachers were ordered off the school property.

What has happened to Kiwis, known to be laid back, with a ready smile who love their country? Why are there so few dissenting voices when there are lies everywhere? Why if you met at night with friends, did the press turn up?

People are still reeling from how they could be treated so badly and with such disdain after being mandated out of a job they loved.

My heart resonated with so much as I read through it, realising the shock, grief, betrayal and lack of closure still run deep in me. So much at the time was left unprocessed in the need to focus, make quick decisions in terms of financial implications and then put them into motion. And here we are almost two years down the track, with most people claiming how nice it is that ‘life has returned to normal’ – I do admit I find that hard to hear.

Excerpt from a friend’s email 27.08.23

This horrific time was described by Dr Naomi Wolf as so bad it was as though God left the planet. It was metaphysical. God checked out. Something evil was unleashed around the globe at the same time.

Recently Dr Naomi Wolf, the American bestselling author, and journalist completed interviews on Reality Check Radio. Here is one with Paul Brennan, discussing her thoughts about these issues.

Evil will not win. Those who refused to obey the narrative have formed close bonds with like-minded people. Genuine friendships have developed through New Media websites like The BFD and many are calling for an independent inquiry.  It’s too big and too bad to ignore. It appears only one political party will tackle head-on what just happened.

New Zealand First Party – 2023 Commitments

24. Ensure a full-scale, wide-ranging, independent, one-year inquiry conducted publicly with local and international experts, into how the Covid pandemic was handled in New Zealand, including covering:

  • Use of multiple lockdowns,
  • Vaccine procurement and efficacy,
  • The social and economic impacts on both regional and national levels, and
  • Whether the decisions made, and steps taken, were justified.

This inquiry must not be run by Parliament, nor be restricted and narrow in its scope.  This must be a public and wide-ranging inquiry – so that New Zealanders will know the truth and be properly informed and shed light on the darkness.

New Zealand faces an excess in deaths. Why?

NZ faces an excess in vaccine adverse events. Why?
