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Labor treasurer Jim Chalmers. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Rita Mae Brown (not Albert Einstein) wrote that, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.

Australian treasurer Jim Chalmers probably never read Sudden Death — back then, he was probably still watching Sesame Street. He clearly never benefited from the Count’s wisdom though.

And he’s apparently mistaken Brown’s sage warning for policy advice.

Jim Chalmers has warned Australia cannot meet its net-zero emissions targets without more robust interventions from government, paving the way for a new hands-on industry policy with bigger subsidies for companies helping fuel the green energy revolution.

Because government “intervention” in the energy market so far has been such a stunning success.

In a landmark speech to the The Australian-Melbourne Institute Economic and Social ­Outlook conference on Thursday, the Treasurer said the Albanese government’s homegrown approach to cut greenhouse gases and become a “renewable energy superpower” would not mimic the gargantuan subsidies of US President Joe Biden’s game-changing Inflation Reduction Act, uncapped costs of which have grown to $US400bn ($635bn), but could almost treble.

But he’s sure going to try his darnedest.

He flagged a “uniquely Australian” revamp of industry policy to encourage an extra $225bn of investment in low-emissions technologies by 2050, including measures in the 2024-25 budget “to get private capital flowing ­towards our priorities effectively and efficiently”.

The Australian

It’s called “crony capitalism”, and, like it’s ugly sibling, socialism, it’s sure to work this time.

Meanwhile, Zippy’s boss has had the astonishing revelation that there’s a job he was supposed to be doing for the last 18 months.

Anthony Albanese has vowed to shield Australians from the worst of a deteriorating global economy without resorting to protectionism, declaring his government’s agenda is being shaped by uncertainty overseas.

He could start by shielding Australians from the absolute cretins running it — starting with his own government.

Halfway through his first term in government, Mr Albanese will label cost-of-living as his top priority while emphasising the importance of reducing inflation through targeted relief.

That was supposed to be his top priority, all along. Remember that Albanese promised, nearly 100 times during the election, to lower household power bills. That went out the window before the election counting was even finished — instead, Mr 32% sprung a divisive, racist referendum that had never been mentioned once during the election.

And power bills skyrocketed by almost as much as Albanese’s share of the vote.

So, what’s his answer: more money for bennie bludgers.

And buggering off overseas yet again.

On the eve of Mr Albanese’s long-awaited trip to China aimed at stabilising ties between the countries, the Prime Minister will defend his overseas travel and characterise it as the government looking to the future.

The Australian

If grovelling to a brutal, genocidal communist dictatorship is “looking to the future”, then heaven help us all.
