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There’s No Business like Show Business

white chair lot

Show business is the only thing Jacinda seems good at. She parades around in various global type garments best suited to the country she is feeling sorry for at the time in order to get the ensuing global adulation. Jacinda has turned this ingratiating irritating behaviour into an art form and one has to begrudgingly admit that so far it has served her well.

When it came to conquering COVID-19 it was a little dance with Neve. The fisherman must have been otherwise engaged as there doesn’t seem to be a video available for worldwide circulation. I am sure the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Guardian, CNN, BBC et al would have lapped it up. Swigging from a bottle of Corona to celebrate would have completed the picture.

The pity of it all is the very business she really needs to understand, the business of running a business, she sadly hasn’t a clue. She obviously paid no attention to the broader requirements of operating a small takeaway food outlet.

The latest clue to her having no clue was her chastising of the Warehouse for laying off staff. In a blatant show of I’m an ignoramus, she took it upon herself to tell the Warehouse they should be looking after the staff, not the shareholders. Dirty capitalists. How dare they look after their shareholders and return a profit. Jacinda dear, it’s precisely on that basis that they can afford to pay the wages. (In other words look after their staff).

The BFD. Source:

You have to shake your head in disbelief that someone so ignorant of how business works is running the country. The country now has a Mount Everest to climb to get out of the mess. It will be the small to medium businesses, the Mum and Dad owned ones, who’ll get us out of her mess. That’s if they’ve been lucky enough to survive.

What the Warehouse debacle shows is the ignorance and hypocrisy of the lady. It’s on show on almost a daily basis. The business Jacinda forced to close during Covid is now having to lay off staff and she has the mindless effrontery to lecture them on the resultant consequences of her actions. The Prime Minister, far from being some sort of global star, is in fact a monumental embarrassment. It’s unfortunate she doesn’t have a Bill English to save her bacon. Instead, all she’s got is a student union political office boy who’s only slightly more competent with numbers than she is and a deputy who makes sleepy Joe Biden look alert and coherent.

When it comes to the rest, as Todd Muller rightly pointed out, there are seventeen empty seats.

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