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No agenda here… The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Remember when activists sneered at the silly notion that there was any “gay agenda”? The very idea that gay activists were trying to recruit children was a crazy, right-wing conspiracy theory.

And yet, here we are, watching a drag queen host a gay pride parade on a TV show for toddlers.

A parade which, just coincidentally I’m sure, features a float decked out in the colours of the pro-paedophile flag.

But there’s no agenda, you bigot!

Except that even the entertainment industry is quietly admitting that there is.

A new wide-ranging Entertainment Insider report is shedding light on the increase in LGBTQ characters and themes in children’s programming.

As the Daily Wire has reported, there has been an explosion of gay content in entertainment for kids in recent years, including specialty transgender Pride parades and concerts on Nick Jr. and Disney Jr., as well as an increasing number of LGBTQ characters.

The Insider piece, titled, “Animation’s queer women, trans, and nonbinary creatives are pushing gender boundaries in kid’s cartoons their counterparts couldn’t — or wouldn’t dare,” illustrates how these changes aren’t the result of organic story developments.

Instead, it highlights how gay activists behind the scenes have been pushing for more LGBTQ messages in children’s programming.

As the report says, these aren’t “organic story developments”: they’re a deliberate agenda being forced into children’s programming.

For instance, the animated series The Legend of Korra, the sequel to the rightly-acclaimed Avatar: The Last Airbender, was completely devoid of “lgbt” content — in fact, the only sexual tension at all was a chaste romantic triangle between the title character and two would-be beaus. Yet, from nowhere, the final scenes of the show suddenly and bizarrely turned Korra and Asami Sato, whose relationship over 42 episodes had been strictly adventurous Platonic gal-pals, into lesbians.

It was if the A-Team’s final episode had them putting on dresses and skipping off to a San Francisco bath house.

Part of the way the story says activists have accomplished this is by circumventing the usual meritocratic hiring process and looking outside standard entertainment industry circles for new staff. Taneka Stotts, a genderfluid writer on Cartoon Network’s “Steven Universe: Future,” told Insider that to find other genderfluid, nonbinary, and bisexual staff, the series showrunner searched for talent on outlets like Twitter and Tumblr rather than via more traditional headhunting means.

One transgender showrunner who spoke to Insider, “Danger and Egg’s” Shadi Petosky, said activists aren’t simply interested in working in entertainment but routinely fight to make sure pro-LGBTQ content makes it to air.

The situation is not unlike the infiltration of the entertainment industry by communist apparatchiks like Dalton Trumbo in the 1950s. Communist agents in Britain had earlier likewise stymied the publication of George Orwell’s Animal Farm.

But, just as Marxism has metastasized into ever-more dangerously nonsensical garbage like Queer Theory, the pressure in the entertainment industry has morphed as well.

And its ultimate agenda is very, very disturbing.

Last week, actress Kirstie Alley voiced concern for this type of programming, arguing that it is paving the way pedophilia acceptance in the U.S.

“Was watching TV,” she said on Friday, “we’ve gone too far in my opinion. I feel sorry for our children. Their exposure to everything perverse on every kind of screen is mind boggling. And even more tragic, it’s being hyped as ‘normal.’” She finished, “People are becoming so ‘open minded’ that down the road they will support pedophilia as people ‘just loving children.’ You think I’m kidding. I’m not. It’s the direction this insanity is headed.”

The Daily Wire

After all, it’s hardly a coincidence that Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express featured a rotating A-list of the Hollywood elite.

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