At a pre-election debate the PM in waiting was asked, should people with legitimate vaccine injuries get compensation?
Christopher Luxon emphatically answered, No. He made his party’s view very clear. Vaccine-injured New Zealanders would not be supported financially.
In January 2021, Grant Robertson, as Labour’s Finance Minister, granted the Covid-19 vaccine suppliers Pfizer and BioNTech indemnity from any claims that may arise from the use of their vaccine.
The finance minister makes the final decision on whether indemnity should be granted and did so in October last year.
Under Section 65ZD of the Public Finance Act, Grant Robertson also had to notify the House of the move “as soon as practicable after giving the guarantee or indemnity”, because the liability is more than $10m. He notified the House of the Pfizer and BioNTech indemnity on November 22, after granting it on October 5. (bold added)
Indemnities may also be granted to the other suppliers of Covid-19 vaccines that New Zealand has secured.
Ben Strang RNZ, 25 Jan 2021
Treasury had their say on the matter. They confirmed that the indemnity shields Pfizer and BioNTech from any potential legal action over the use of the vaccine. In the quick-fire question time, Luxon left no doubt that he refuses any liability. Now, where does that leave a vaccine-injured person?
The newly formed National-led Government want nothing to do with it, and the biopharmaceutical companies are protected from any claims against their product.
There was a similar response by a Moderna executive at the Australian Education and Employment Legislative Committee hearing.
‘A top executive from pharmaceutical giant Moderna has testified before the Australian Senate that the ‘exploding’ numbers of Covid vaccine injuries are ‘not our problem’.
short tweet X 7.10.23
Alarming numbers of vaccine injuries and excess deaths are being reported. Who will support these people?
A peer reviewed paper published five days ago in the British Journal of Pharmacology entitled “Cardiac side effects of RNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccines: Hidden cardiotoxic effects of mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2 on ventricular myocyte function and structure” might give you a clue… Within 48 hours, mRNA vaccines establish themselves in the hearts of experimental rats producing arrhythmia, contractions and significant cardiac dysfunction. The authors conclude “mRNA injections may significantly increase the risk of acute cardiac events”.
Ninety per cent of NZers have received mRNA injections and a lot of people are having ‘acute cardiac events’, 83% more than usual according to leaked hospital data, many of them are dying. I don’t suppose that those thousands who are now suffering from cardiomyopathy will be greatly interested to know that prescription costs are going up but will be capped at $100 per year. They might have been expecting something more. Dr Guy Hatchard, the BFD 19.10.23
One such young man had chest pain. Rory Nain, some days after reluctantly having the COVID-19 vaccine, had an acute cardiac event and sadly he died. A 6-day coroner’s inquest in the Dunedin District Court linked the COVID-19 vaccine to his sudden death. The 26-year-old Kiwi fit plumber died from myocarditis, a known side-effect of the Pfizer vaccine.
No official was blamed for this tragedy. Nor was the current Labour Government. Nor was Dr Bloomfield, the Director of Health who echoed the narrative about the vaccine’s safety and effectiveness. It was unfair. The chemist’s vaccinator, while having name suppression, had the finger pointed at her. She had to take the rap and tearfully admitted that, while in Mr Nain’s case, she did not warn the client, in future she would advise every client of the serious risk of side effects such as myocarditis. No doubt wondering if her medical insurance would cover any resulting litigation.
What does Medicus Insurance Company know that the public doesn’t know? Medicus claims medical professionals are at risk of litigation,
Over 90 per cent of New Zealand medical professionals only carry discretionary, rather than assured, professional indemnity insurance, exposing themselves to significant professional and personal risk.
Dr Ashley Bloomfield, quickly scrambled behind the scenes after Mr Nain died and wrote an urgent message to all health providers. If a client presented with chest pain, difficulty breathing, dizziness and an abnormal heartbeat, after a COVID-19 injection, they must immediately be referred to the Emergency Department. Ironically he did this while publicly continuing to promote this dangerous vaccine.
The Australian Medical Professional Society (AMPS) on 11 January 23 could see what was happening. They sent a letter warning all medical professionals of personal indemnity risks. The subject line of the correspondence read:
Administering of COVID-19 vaccination is likely not an indemnified action – this is notice of your obligations, rights, and potential risks.
The letter here – – alerted doctors and nurses who may administer the COVID-19 vaccines that recent correspondence from government advisors confirmed a medical indemnity scheme for health professionals administering the COVID-19 vaccines has not been set up. (bold added)
It noted:
Unlike the case with manufacturers of COVID-19 vaccines, there appears to be no government liability protection beyond the vaccine injury ‘COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme’.
AMPS advised members to share the letter ‘as a means to inform colleagues of the potential liability risks associated with participation in the provisionally approved COVID-19 Vaccination rollout.’ See here-
New Zealand was last in the queue and, therefore had pre-warnings about safety and efficacy.
Everyone now is ducking for cover as no one wants to be accountable. It is easier to blame someone else. As more truth is uncovered, who is legally covered?
In Australia, thousands of vaccine-injured Australians are lining up for compensation.
Culpability cannot be far away.