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They Are Suppressing Dissent, Not Protecting Health

Jackboot Jacinda. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD.

Mandatory vaccination, face masks and social distancing is enforced by Ardern’s volunteer army manning the doors of supermarkets and large retailers. I know they believe they are keeping everyone safe because that’s what they tell me.

But what if the dictatorial Ardern Government is doing the same thing as China: using Covid mandates for political control instead of protecting health?

“Henan province is the scene of a massive banking scandal that could blow up into one of China’s worst financial meltdowns to date. Four rural banks froze all deposits in mid-April, locking customers away from their own money and triggering fears that a wider banking freeze could be imposed during an impending recession.

Chinese banking regulators are claiming the funds, which may collectively total over two billion dollars, were improperly frozen due to some vaguely-described malfeasance by bank employees.

This has done little to ease the troubled minds of depositors, who wonder why the government is not moving faster to make their life savings available for withdrawal again. Frustrated bank customers are frightened bank employees may have stolen their money, or the government could seize it as the proceeds of an illegal investment scheme.

Hundreds of protesters have been gathering outside banks and regulatory offices in Henan for the past few weeks, waving signs with slogans like “Return my savings!” and resisting police orders to disperse.

Stopping public protest in the central province of Henan was too easy under Covid.

“China’s authoritarian government forces its citizens to install a “health code” app on their smartphones that gives them a scannable, color-coded rating for their current health status. Green health codes are required to use many public facilities or enter some buildings.

Chinese officials on Saturday were apparently able to suppress protests against a banking scandal in the central province of Henan by the simple expedient of flipping a switch and turning the “health QR codes” of many protesters red.


Ardern did the same thing before using police violence against the Wellington protesters. She labelled them anti-vaxxers and a health hazard.

Jackboot Jacinda. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD.
New Zealand’s prime minister on Monday said protesters who oppose coronavirus mandates were using “intimidation and harassment,” as authorities appeared to take a harsher stance toward the convoy of demonstrators that has disrupted the capital of Wellington for nearly a week.

Incongruous isn’t it, the pot calling the kettle black, when her Government bullies people into taking an experimental vaccine and then bullies and uses violence to stop them from debating the merits, or otherwise.

Ardern said the timing of the mass camp out couldn’t be worse.

“At the very point where we are seeing an increase in cases, and an increase in risk to the public health and wellbeing of New Zealand, they want to see removed the very measures that have kept us safe, well and alive,” she said.

AP News

How is Covid level Orange working out for you these days Prime Minister? Why are we still at Orange with Covid rampaging through the masked, social distanced, vaccinated and boosted – the people you promised would be protected from Covid by following your mandates?

NZ Government “Life Under Level Orange”


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