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They’ll take the Muhammad Mac with a side of Jihad. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

As Australian authorities make the inexplicable decision to “repatriate” those who elected to fight for the most brutal Islamic regime in modern times (and in the wide playing field that’s Islamic brutality, that’s saying something), the hand-wringing bedwetters of the chattering classes trot out their standard bullshit. But what about the jihadis? they wail into their skinny soy lattes. Will no one think of the poor, oppressed religious fanatics who beheaded and burned people alive? What about their human rights?

Well… what about them? To quote Dirty Harry Callahan, I’m just all busted up about those peoples’ rights.

But, but… splutter the nosey-nannas and morbidly obese feminists (a tautology, I know)… they didn’t know what they were doing! Which is utter bullshit, of course. If someone watches an ISIS snuff video on YouTube and thinks, I want in on that!, they knew what they were doing.

And, far from being coerced into it by their jihadi husbands, we find time and again that trooping off to do some head-chopping for Allah was very much a family affair. The latest proof of that halal pudding is playing out in Australia – starring, you guessed it, a “repatriated” ISIS bride.

Prosecutors are gathering financial records and scouring mobile devices for messages to prove that the wife of ISIS’s star Australian recruiter willingly entered a declared area, now confirmed as being the terrorist group’s stronghold Raqqa, in Syria.

The so-called “ISIS bride” Mariam Raad, 31, fronted Young Local Court on Wednesday wearing a brown hijab and covering her face with a mask and large sunglasses while accompanied by her brother.

Obviously still not allowed to leave the house without a male relative in tow. How’s that integration going, then?

Ms Raad was arrested and charged with entering a ­declared area, the Islamic State self-declared capital, in January and was granted bail […]

Police allege Ms Raad, who has four children by maths teacher turned ISIS recruiter Muhammad Zahab, travelled to Syria willingly in 2014 and was aware of her husband‘s activities. Ms Raad along with 16 other wives and children of Australian Islamic State fighters was repatriated in October, after spending years in al-Roj Internally Displaced Persons camp near the Iraqi border.

Funnily enough, once ISIS’ little caliphate went tits-up, the people who’d chosen Allah over Australia suddenly decided that they still wanted to call Australia home, after all.

“I want my kids to have a chance at a real future,” she said. “I want them to start their education and I want to know what’s wrong with my daughter.

“I’m stressed. It’s not easy being a single mother with four children in a camp. The boys are growing older and I go to sleep every night imagining they will be taken away from me.’’

Maybe you shouldn’t have chosen to throw your lot in with the scum of humanity, then. Cry me a river.

And, gosh, ain’t it a coincidence that a town known as the “unofficial Muslim capital of the outback” has produced multiple ISIS jihadis.

Just a few hundred metres from Ms Raad’s rural property live the family of Haisem Zahab, her husband’s cousin who was arrested in Young in 2017 and later jailed for designing guided missiles and laser warning devices for Islamic State.

The Australian

It’s almost like there’s a pattern, there.


Alexis de Tocqueville on Enlightened Self Interest

Alexis de Tocqueville on Enlightened Self Interest

Tocqueville was generous, both with his biting criticisms and his reverent praises, whereby as a matter of necessity due to one social system springing out of the other – like Athena from the head of Zeus – the democratic experiment was compared most obviously with its aristocratic parent.

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