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They all fool and defraud each other; no one tells the truth. With practiced tongues they tell lies; they wear themselves out with all their sinning. They pile lie upon lie and utterly refuse to acknowledge me,” says the LORD. - Jeremiah 9, verses 5-6

Jacinda Ardern has constantly implored us to follow the science. But what she really means is to follow the science of those she’s bribed with millions in funding. She’s been caught out yet again making it up as she goes along after Dr Ashley Bloomfield dropped some truth bombs about Auckland’s border in an affidavit for a case before the Waitangi Tribunal.

Auckland boundary restrictions should have already been lifted and the whole country, bar Auckland and Northland, should be in the orange setting, according to previously unreleased public health advice.

The Ministry of Health also initially thought some regions should start in green – though this was later revised due to the spread of Delta – despite its concerns that starting the traffic light system in early December could put vulnerable Maori at greater risk.

This warning was outlined in a ministry paper on November 24, two days after Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern had already announced the new system starting from December 3.

Ardern ultimately took a far more cautious stance than the ministry, with several districts outside Auckland and Northland — Taupo and Rotorua Lakes, Kawerau, Whakatane, Opotiki, Gisborne, Wairoa, Rangitikei, Whanganui and Ruapehu — also in red for at least two weeks, no region in green, and movement in and out of Auckland only starting from December 15.

The public health advice is contained in director general of health Dr Ashley Bloomfield’s affidavit to the Waitangi Tribunal, which this week is looking into whether the Covid-19 response and the traffic light system are consistent with Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

NZ Herald

“Follow The Science”, “Follow The Health Advice” – All lies.

Twice now she has ignored health advice. One to move to Level 1 in September and now this. It has never been about health, it is all to do with Ardern’s ego of being the best in the world or she is shit scared of getting the Covid. Grant Robertson and Chris Hipkins are just enabling her, they are just as bad.

Jacinda Ardern along with Chris Hipkins and Grant Robertson have been standing up almost daily and flat out lying to the country that these were health decisions when they were not.  How many cancelled events and functions, personal heartbreaks have been caused by her?

They were only ever political decisions and they are all about a last grasp of control.

The border at Auckland must end. It must end now. The Government must follow their own health advice, and change the light system to Orange or Green, immediately.

The answer to a lack of health care is not wrecking businesses, jobs, mental health and holding the productive hostage while the indigent and wastrels are protected. The answer is to spend more in health building those facilities. That is what the Government should have been doing these past two years. Instead, they were diverting Covid resources into shooting wallabies, corrupting the media, and funding bullshitters like Shaun Hendy. Imagine how many ICU beds could have been funded instead of giving $55 million to the media?

The evil this woman is doing is immense. I belong to three clubs, two clubs have become Jacinda’s bootlickers and decided to prevent paying members from participating in even outdoor activities like competitions. Shooting at a clay target range does not involve being close to others by design, but no, they’ve applied the vaccine mandate despite not actually having to. Another club I belong to is tearing itself apart as the Karen’s in the club seek to restrict other members based on vaccine status. These people detested Jacinda Ardern for her gun confiscation, but after two years of sustained propaganda, they’ve become her bootlickers and brownshirts.

Families are being torn apart, friendships are being trashed and all Jacinda Ardern can tell us is that is exactly what she has intended to do all along.

If you want to know what the face of evil looks like this it:

If you want to know the name of that evil, then know that it is Jacinda Ardern.

She truly is an evil woman.

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