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A leaked image of one of China’s concentration camps. The BFD.

Australian human rights campaigner Drew Pavlou has endured the wrath of the Chinese Communist Party for years, from his own university turning on him, to being arrested for holding a blank sign outside the Chinese consulate in Brisbane. But the CCP’s vengeful persecution reached a peak this week.

Pavlou is currently in Britain, where he gained headlines after he was violently ejected from Wimbledon, for holding a sign drawing attention to the plight of “disappeared” Chinese tennis player Peng Shuai. The CCP wasn’t long in exacting retaliation: a series of fake emails were sent, purporting to be bomb threats from Pavlou. He was arrested, detained, and is currently stranded in Britain.

The Australian High Commission has raised the case with the Metropolitan Police, but they have declined to answer when he will be allowed to leave the country. He faces arrest if he tries.

But if he expected Australia’s media, academic and business elites to swing behind his cause, he should have known to be sorely disappointed. Dozens of spineless Australian mouthpieces for the genocidal regime have gone on the attack on social media.

No-one should be surprised.

Australian legal academic and former ABC chair David Flint likewise found out the hard way what happens if you publicly oppose the Chinese Communist Party.

All I had to do was speak at a law-abiding, peaceful meeting in the public square in front of the Customs House, denouncing the much-ignored but proven beyond reasonable doubt genocide by Beijing of the Falun Gong along with similar terrible crimes against the Uighur Muslims, Tibetan Buddhists, House Christians, and others.

As Flint pointed out:

The Falun Gong had no political ambitions; it was no competitor for Beijing’s hold on unlimited power and riches.

But to the Party bosses, they were threatening. With a new way of presenting old traditional culture and emphasising true virtue, their growth had been spectacular. The Falun Gong was proving vastly more attractive to people than membership of the Communist Party, no matter what glittering advantages the Party could bring in terms of access to earthly power and riches.

For that heinous crime, the CCP has meted out the sort of horrors once associated with Auschwitz and Josef Mengele.

When we think of the millions of victims persecuted in China, including at this very moment, think especially of their odious practice of selecting those many young healthy men and women, estimated so far to be 60,000 to 90,000 and growing, all for no other reason than that they are suspected of being Falun Gong practitioners believing in the ‘heresies’ of their ‘cult’ ? truth, compassion, and tolerance. Think of Xi, through his acolytes, strapping their young healthy bodies to a hospital bed, and, without a drop of anaesthetic, ripping from those living bodies their hearts, their livers, and their kidneys. As the Chairman of the London Tribunal, eminent lawyer Sir Geoffrey Nice QC (prosecutor of Slobodan Milosevic) said, these are ‘indescribably hideous deaths’. The ultimate proof is the massively lucrative trade in organs-on-demand from which the depraved criminals in Beijing now profit, ignored by the Western, including the Australian establishment.

Remember when a horrified world swore, “Never again”, after the crimes of Nazi Germany were exposed? It was a lie. It’s happening again — and we are urged to just shut up and think of the money.

Chief among the Western apologists for Beijing’s crimes is no less than New Zealand’s blitherer of “kindness” mantras.

And yet we have long been told that when it comes to Beijing, we must not be forced to choose sides. On this very day, the newspapers headlined the visiting New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s maudlin cry that, ‘The nations of the Pacific must not be forced to take sides.’

In return for empty promises of wealth, non-militarisation and future CO2 emissions reductions, Ms. Ardern and other Western elites are covering up for a regime that practices the worst genocide seen since that perpetrated in the second world war, dishonouring the civilised world’s promise, ‘Never Again.’

Spectator Australia
Communist China is the Nazi Germany of the 21st century. There is simply no other way to put it.

This is who Jacinda Ardern wants New Zealand to do business with.
