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They Should Have Known It Was Coming

All that water has to come down eventually. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

To the dumb hammers of the Climate Cult, everything is a nail.

It’s hot? Climate change! It’s cold? Climate change! A two-headed goat is born on a farm in Waiarapa? You better believe that’s climate change!

Like mediaeval flagellants beating themselves into a frenzy over their belief that the Black Death was a punishment sent from Heaven, the rain in Auckland last month had the Climate Cult jerking themselves into a stupor. The arrival of a downgraded cyclone a few weeks later has them foaming at the mouth and rubbing themselves raw in an onanistic orgy of cultist millenarianism.

Just ignore the undeniable evidence that this is a wholly predictable outcome of a wholly natural chain of events.

Such as a persistent La Nina cycle and, more importantly, a cataclysmic volano which spewed vast amounts of water into the atmosphere just a few months ago — water which was always going to come back down. Almost exactly where it was predicted to.

I expect La Nina or a La Nina-like pattern to tip the scales in favour of wetter than usual weather in Australia’s east until at least February and probably March.

But it’s not the only climate driver increasing wet weather in the east this summer. The southern annular mode, or SAM, is being powered by a strange source – a volcanic eruption.

Chances are you remember the Tongan volcanic eruption – it was the most explosive since Krakatoa killed 36,000 people in 1883.

Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcanic was unlike Krakatoa, though, in more ways than just its all-but-unpronouncable name. Fortunately, it erupted in a relatively unpopulated, remote region. It’s resultant death toll was just six people, rather than the estimated 36,000 casualties of Krakatoa. It was also a submarine, or underwater, volcano.

It therefore didn’t just send smoke and ash into the atmosphere, but blasted water upwards in vast quantities – reaching a height of 58km above the earth’s surface […]

The quantity of water in the stratosphere in the southern hemisphere has increased by about 20 per cent since the volcanic eruption.

That has huge effects on the weather for Australia and New Zealand.

Water reflects radiation from the sun back out into space, while reflecting earth’s radiation back to the surface. This warms the earth’s surface but cools the stratosphere.

Over the past month the stratosphere over Antarctica has been approximately one to three degrees colder than usual.

This cold air aloft is strengthening the polar vortex – the winds that swirl around Antarctica. The polar vortex is measured by one of Australia’s climate drivers – the Southern Annular Mode (SAM).

Couple that with a persistent La Nina, and the results for Australia and New Zealand are utterly predictable: lots of rain this summer. Lots and lots and lots of it.

The scenario we now see ourselves in looks like the complete opposite of the black summer of 2019/2020 […] We are facing a wet end to spring and a wet summer on wet or flooded catchments.

By the time we get to the end of summer I’m expecting this event to go down in the history books as the “Flooded Summer”

Sky News

Remember: this was back in October, last year. So, four months ago, we were warned to expect massive rain events and flooding.

By the time we get to the end of summer I’m expecting this event to go down in the history books as the “Flooded Summer”

And so it has, tragically, come to pass.

Which hasn’t stopped the unprincipled, unconscionable, exploitative zealots of the Climate Cult weaponising tragedy for their millenarian obsessions.

Imagine if these clowns had spent less time worshipping ignorant, pig-faced teenaged doom-goblins and listening to weathermen like this. Less time taxing farmers for cow farts and more time readying emergency services and ramping up flood preparedness. Then maybe the toll of death, misery and criminal anarchy that’s descended on the Hawke’s Bay region could have been avoided.

But then, they wouldn’t have been able to blame everything on their monomania, climate change.

Then where would they be?
