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They Should Make the Greens Watch, Too

Ceremony for Israeli Captives. Photo by Olivia Melhop Photography. BFD

US general and future president Dwight D. Eisenhower famously ordered the filming of the liberation of Nazi death camps, because, “I felt that the evidence should be immediately placed before the American and British publics in a fashion that would leave no room for cynical doubt”. Eisenhower worried, rightly as history has shown, that some would dismiss the stories of Nazi brutality as “just propaganda”.

Despite Eisenhower’s admirable efforts, as we all know, that’s exactly what happened. No matter the indisputable evidence.

And it’s happening again. No matter the indisputable evidence of Palestinian brutality, far too many of the chattering classes are determined to condemn the victims and “stand with” the bloodthirsty butchers.

The media are obvious offenders. Politicians, especially on the left, even worse.

The Israeli embassy has screened in Australia for the first time a graphic 43-minute video of the October 7 attack by Hamas, pushing back against anti-Israel sentiment and reminding the public why it was advancing a military ­offensive into Gaza aimed at ­destroying the terrorist group.

The video depicting the massacre of Israeli families including women, children and babies – some of whom were burned beyond recognition – was shown to a small group of journalists in ­Canberra after Anthony Albanese said that while Israel had a right to defend itself, “how it does that matters”.

Not content with that snide dig at Israel, Albo is throwing tens of millions of Australian taxpayers’ money at the monsters responsible for the October 7 butchery.

“Every innocent loss of life is a tragedy. And that is why we remain very concerned and continue to put forward our case while we’ve provided humanitarian assistance, as well, to Gaza. Some $25m has been provided so far,” Mr Albanese said.

Maybe the Israeli embassy would have been better advised forcing Labor and the Greens to watch the monstrous evidence, instead. Even if some of them would probably have got off on the sight of Jews being massacred.

Ex-PM Paul Keating, who alone of living ex-PMs refused to sign a letter condemning Hamas, should probably be forced to watch, as well.

Executive Council of Australian Jewry co-chief executive Alex Ryvchin said the Israeli government had shown the footage to journalists because “the world must know that evil exists”.

“It must know why there has never been peace with the Palestinian leadership and why Hamas must now be obliterated,” he said.

Naturally, Pallywood’s Hamas apologists swung into immediate action.

The president of the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network, Nasser Mashni, responded to the showing of the footage by saying Hamas’s actions occurred “on one black day” but that “Israel has been perpetrating that horror on the people of Gaza for 24 black days now”.

This is an outrageous slur, from an apologist for the slime of humanity.

Israel isn’t murdering, raping, parading, and beheading (in that order) young women. Israel isn’t burning alive and beheading babies. Israel isn’t abducting hundreds of civilians to use as human shields.

“Is Israel seeking to blur the line between the Palestinian people of Gaza and Hamas to justify the killing of thousands more innocents in Gaza? This is nothing but a desperate bid to stem the growing international criticism of the war crimes being committed by Israel in Gaza.”

The Australian

Sorry, pal — that line was “blurred” the instant the “Palestinian people of Gaza” elected Hamas to power, and kept them there. It was blurred the moment the “Palestinian people of Gaza” used their work permits to spy for Hamas and enable its inhuman savagery in southern Israel. It was blurred the moment the “Palestinian people of Gaza” lined the streets to cheer the mutilation of Israeli corpses, and as young Israeli women were burned alive.

There is no more functional difference between the “Palestinian people of Gaza” and Hamas than there was between the people of Germany and the Nazis, in 1945.

Like the Nazi regime, the world cannot rest until Hamas is obliterated from the face of the Earth.
