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They Shouldn’t Be Surprised We Hate Them

Trevor Mallard

The media and politicians are genuinely perplexed that people are expressing a deep loathing for them. But they shouldn’t be, they’ve brought it on themselves.

Jessica Mutch-McKay wrote an opinion piece where she said that the protest she claims to be covering is ‘different’:

In Auckland the big TPP protest blocked the roads and motorway. A camera operator and I went live onto our website for several hours, including showing behind the scenes footage of us running up hills and the cameraman getting shoved by a protester.

There was also a very memorable march through Paris after the Charlie Hebdo attack. The security was intense, and still the media was welcome.

The protest that is happening at Parliament right now feels different.

Most of the time protesters welcome media coverage – knowing it’s a way of getting their message across.

But here there’s aggression towards the media. As someone who is on the news most nights, I’m definitely taking a cautious approach around the precinct.

I think for most MPs and most journalists robust criticism is OK and expected, but it does feel more aggressive this time.


Let’s be very clear here, Jessica Mutch-McKay is not covering this protest. She is sitting on the balcony of Parliament’s building like the soft and squishy liberal elite regime mouthpiece she has become. Worse she has been cowed by a Speaker who seems to think he can order around media on what they can and can’t report like a petty despot.

Do you know why it feels different, Jessica? Because you haven’t talked to them. You’ve prejudged them. Also, most of them are just average New Zealanders who want their lives back.

She would find if she actually did her job and reported the news instead of either being a mouthpiece for the regime or inserting her own wet politics into the debate things might actually go better for her and her ilk.

Mutch-Mckay lacks the self-awareness to realise nor even a clue that people simply don’t trust her to report the truth, so compromised she and her organisation have become.

People simply think of the media now as a bought and paid shill for the regime. That’s on them not on us. They did it to themselves. I’m sure if we ran a survey that even car dealers and loan sharks would be trusted more than journalists.

Then we have the mewling from Stuff’s Head of News, Mark Stevens:

Just doing their job, several journalists from Stuff have lately been attacked. They’ve had gear smashed, been punched and belted with umbrellas. Many reporters have been harassed, both in person and online, including one threatened with their home being burned down.

Abuse and attacks on journalists are not new. But seldom has it been so prevalent in New Zealand.


It is a perfect own goal from Stevens.  The media state that they have been attacked and had their gear smashed, but give no evidence, apart from a link, and that link also gives no evidence, just says that people have been abusive. So it seems that all claims of attacks or gear being smashed are not backed up with any evidence at all.  And since they have lots of different gear with them to record it, there would indeed be evidence if it ever happened.

If only they were just doing their jobs. Stuff is one of the most woke news outlets there is, who won’t brook any opinions other than their own. They’ve denigrated, abused and ridiculed the protesters, and then they wonder why we loathe them.

Mark Stevens hasn’t yet realised that the protesters are simply picking up what they are putting down. Mostly it is fake news, as these examples from the feeble-minded dolts at Stuff and Newshub show.

Stuff live stream

Stuff and Newshub labelled that a Nazi swastika and the idiot Chris Bishop even posted on Facebook about it:

None of them realised that it had four dots and that in Hinduism, the right-facing symbol is called swastika, symbolizing surya (“sun”), prosperity and good luck. But if they’d actually studied anything other than Mao’s little red book they’d know that.

Stuff live stream

These progressive wokesters at Stuff clearly don’t know what a tewhatewha is. They are showing not only their own ineptitude but also their privilege. Usually, these woke types whenever a Maori brandishes a tiaha, also a two-handed weapon gush endlessly as the quaint but fearsome Maori guy welcomes people onto a marae. But if someone carries one at a protest they don’t agree with…well, you get the picture.

Stuff live stream

Obviously, the child posting that to the live feed has never seen Fawlty Towers.

That salute from the protestor is not showing that they are Nazi sympathisers, that salute is a 100% accurate response to Ardern’s divisive actions.

Stuff live stream

Resistance circles? Seriously? Yeah, Nah, they’re just a bunch of people chatting to each other.

You see why we loathe the mainstream media. They are an absolute shower of shite, as my Sergeant-major used to yell at us.

None of these so-called journalists has so much as been down on Parliament’s forecourt. Probably because this was the scene when they last gave it a go:


The media and politicians are perplexed as to why the protesters are mad as hell, but they shouldn’t be. When the Government pummels you with propaganda, coerces you to be vaccinated, mandates you out of your job, divides your family, destroys your relationships and legalises discrimination against you, occupying Parliament’s lawn and being a bit rowdy seems like a rather mild response.

When the protesters look up they see the gloating and smirking visage of the elites, the very people who destroyed their lives sitting and joking with their media lickspittles.

Then you get the utter churlishness of Jason Walls:

The current media and politicians are a cancer on society. They deserve all the criticism coming their way. The two groups are working hand in glove. One goes down they both go down.

Donald Trump was right, they are fake news and the enemy of the people.

And they wonder why we hate them.

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