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They Tore Us Apart on a Lie

broken heart hanging on wire
Photo by Kelly Sikkema. The BFD.

Louise M Diack



Those who get their news from corporate media may be unaware of recent bombshell revelations that have come out of the European Parliament hearings into the pandemic.

The first significant admission has come from a senior Pfizer representative, Director J. Small, who confirmed that the company never tested whether their jab would stop transmission. You read that right. Never tested for that efficacy! Watch the short clip of the exchange following the question by Rob Roos (MEP) below.

Cast your mind back to the time when we were all told we had to do it for each other and anyone refusing to get jabbed was called a “covidiot”, guilty of “killing granny” responsible for being “super-spreaders” etc, etc, etc. I even had someone tell me that if I got sick then I should be denied medical treatment, presumably to teach me a lesson.

We had mandates and passes based on the lie that these jabs would stop transmission.

People were barred from everyday activities and lost jobs, careers and livelihoods.

Unjabbed people were barred from seeing elderly loved ones locked up in care facilities.

Unjabbed kids were barred from sports.

Friendships and families were torn apart.

I was told by a recruiter that I wouldn’t get another job if I wasn’t jabbed. I’ve been censored and ridiculed for pointing this lack of efficacy out for almost a year. Mention it on YouTube and you still get your comment removed proving this isn’t about science if ever it was, but about control and now butt-covering.

If you want a good reminder of just how crazy, authoritarian things got, you might want to watch this short video from Sky’s Rita Panahi. The compilation shows the police brutality that happened across the ditch during covid crazy, especially against those protesting mandates and lockdowns. We saw similar here in Wellington with ordinary people called “anti-vaxxers” and a “river of filth.”

Watching it all again is a somewhat nauseating reminder of how unhinged and authoritarian our Governments got in Australia and New Zealand. The police became thugs unleashed against citizens. What we witnessed in the last two years from authorities was way more scary, in my view, than the virus! It was disgraceful and yes, there needs to be a reckoning!

Given all those multi-jabbed and boostered people are now getting infected time after time, most now appreciate that the jab isn’t what it was cracked up to be. Thankfully the most strident and petty tyrants amongst us have slinked off back to their corners. Feel free to send this post to anyone who needs to read it.

What is so stunning is that this lack of efficacy was actually known from the get-go.

Virologists warned early on that viruses like this mutate and can quickly build the ability to evade ‘vaccines’ as each flu season demonstrates. So, here is my question: Did Pfizer inform our Government of the FACT that they hadn’t tested whether the jab stopped transmission? If not, then the pharmaceutical giant is guilty of misleading practice/fraud and legal action should be taken. It wouldn’t be the first time – Pfizer has form when it comes to misleading practice.

If they did tell our Government but our Government chose to withhold this information, so as to guilt-trip and coerce people into a jab that many didn’t actually need, then we have a whole other situation to unpack!

At the very least it would mean no one was afforded correct (legally required) informed consent. It would also suggest they were willing to lie and see a mob set upon those exercising a right protected under our Bill of Rights.

Just as a reminder, you might like to review this video of Jacinda Ardern rubbing her hands together with glee as she admitted “Yip, yip, that is what it is” to creating two classes of citizens.

Not only were the mandates and passes illegitimate and unconscionable, but they would suggest a seriously skewed moral compass!

But wait, there’s more…

In addition to a heat map showing that the most jabbed countries in Europe also have the biggest uptick in excess all-cause mortality (@ 4.50 mins in video below), the other bombshell allegation from these hearings is that Pfizer provided information to the Romanian MEP on their trials with dates suggesting that they were doing trials even as the world was only just waking up to the pandemic late 2019 and early 2020 (@ 6 mins in video below).

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In my post titled Watching dominoes fall, I mentioned that scientists have apparently found a Moderna patented genome sequence in the Sars-CoV-2 virus. From the Daily Mail report on this finding:

Fresh suspicion that Covid may have been tinkered with in a lab emerged today after scientists found genetic material owned by Moderna in the virus’s spike protein. They identified a tiny snippet of code that is identical to part of a gene patented by the vaccine maker three years before the pandemic. It was discovered in SARS-CoV-2’s unique furin cleavage site, the part that makes it so good at infecting people and separates it from other coronaviruses.

Daily Mail

The Moderna CEO is yet to elucidate on how this came to be. The implications of both revelations are seriously concerning and, if true, would suggest that big pharma had foreknowledge of the virus and was already formulating a product before we had any inkling of what was to come.

It’s like putting the pieces of the puzzle together. I’m not going to let this drop because I’m determined that what we’ve been through should never happen again! I’m also determined to play my part in revealing what’s looking suspiciously like hidden agendas or opportunism to further an agenda, which if taken to the people of countries democratically would be rejected.

We should start with direct questions to, and expect direct answers from, our Governments. That is the path to accountability.


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