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They Tried to Kill the Koala to Save It

An animal activist “freed” the koala – and sentenced it to death.

The history of animal activism is littered with idiotic stunts by people who clearly don’t actually know that much about the animals they profess to love – stunts which more often than not backfire spectacularly.

Last year, vegan nutcases stole a goat from a Victorian farm; in short order, the animal died of neglect in an inner-city Melbourne apartment. In Sydney last year, animal activists ‘liberated’ a caged rainbow lorikeet and released it into Mosman park – where it was promptly mauled by a stray cat.

In the 1980s, pop singer Jimmy Somerville ‘liberated’ a lobster from a tank in a swanky Swiss restaurant and ‘set it free’ in Lake Geneva – a freshwater lake which immediately killed the saltwater-dwelling crustacean. In 2017, activists released 30 000 minks into the Minnesota wilderness; the animals decimated local prey species before slowly starving to death.

Keeping up the fine tradition of endangering animals to ‘save’ them, Perth thieves came very close to killing a koala.

A koala stolen from Adventure World has been safely recovered from a tree around one kilometre from the popular Perth theme park.

Orana, 16, was kidnapped from her wildlife park and released into the wild on Saturday night with the thief posting vision of the bizarre stunt to Snapchat.

What the clueless ‘liberator’ apparently didn’t realise is that many of the native animals in sanctuaries and wildlife parks are there because they cannot survive in the wild.

Concerned the koala wouldn’t survive without her medication, a callout to the public to help find the marsupial led to a massive search effort on Sunday throughout Bibra Lake bushland.

“Last night somebody stole Orana from Adventure World and released her into nearby bush land (recorded and released on Snapchat),” Klara Donovan wrote on Facebook.

“She is on medication and will be dead within the day if she isn’t found. If you have some time to head over that way and help join the search, please do!”

Thanks to the efforts of the local community, who clearly cared more about the animal’s welfare than most animal activists, the koala was quickly found.

Volunteer Jodie Jones told Nine News Perth she found Orana around 5pm Sunday[…]

The koala’s carer attempted to coax the koala down on Sunday evening before emergency crews were called in.

Firefighters used a 10 metre ladder to safely retrieve the koala.
The thief who kidnapped Orana is still on the run[…]

Orana was part of the Aussie Wildlife Experience at Adventure World, a wildlife park which offers visitors the opportunity to meet kangaroos, an emu, wombat and koalas, and learn more about Australia’s native animals.

Perhaps some animal activists might benefit from actually learning more about animals and their welfare, before more animals wind up dead at the hands of those who profess to ‘love’ them.

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