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They Won’t Want You to Notice This

Prepare for feminist violence on a scale not seen before. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

As we count down to an impending mid-term bloodbath for the Democrats, get ready for wall-to-wall coverage of the 6 January show trials. Trying to drum up a silly protest that descended into a riot is all the Dems have got. On every normal measure, they’re toast. The economy is a dumpster fire, violent crime is spiralling out of control and groomers are operating with impunity.

Sitting on top of the bonfire is an animated corpse whose string-pullers want Americans to stop believing their lyin’ eyes and cheer for how great the country is going.

Naturally, then, the Dems are going to spend the next few months shrieking conspiracy theories and outright lies. And of course their media bootlickers will go right along with it all.

Certainly don’t expect to hear much about the attempted assassination of a Supreme Court justice.

An armed California man was arrested near the Maryland home of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh early Wednesday morning, according to law enforcement sources.

Nicholas John Roske, who was carrying a gun and a knife as well as burglary tools when arrested, was reportedly angry about the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion expected to overturn Roe v Wade and had made violent threats against Kavanaugh, Fox News said.

Remember when pro-abortion activists posted the home addresses of Supreme Court justices. It’s working out exactly as they intended.

Roske is accused of saying that he was “thinking about how to give his life a purpose and decided that he would kill the Supreme Court Justice after finding the Justice’s Montgomery County address on the internet.”

Cue arse-covering double-speak from the White House.

In a statement, White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said President Biden “condemns the actions of this individual in the strongest terms” and that he’s grateful to law enforcement for quickly apprehending the suspect.

Bates continued:

“As the president has consistently made clear, public officials – including judges – must be able to do their jobs without concern for their personal safety or that of their families.”

Biden left the White House on Wednesday morning without taking questions from reporters about the threat on Kavanaugh’s life.

Law Enforcement Today

“Must be able to do their jobs without concern for their personal safety or that of their families”? Yet, when mobs of screaming, violent protesters besieged the judges’ family homes, the White House endorsed what was a prima facie federal crime – attempting to influence a US judge. In fact, White House press secretary explicitly stated that that was the president’s position.

“And we certainly continue to encourage that outside of judges’ homes and that’s the president’s position.”

Even worse, on the very day the would-be murderous pro-abortionist was arrested, Democrats blocked a bill to provide more security Supreme Court justices.

The Democrats will stoop to anything to cling to power.
