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BFD Face of the day. Whoopi Goldberg

You think Whoopi Goldberg’s latest “gaffe” is just another celebrity saying something incredibly dumb?

Well, yes, it is — but there’s also a much deeper, darker — or blacker — undercurrent to Goldberg’s claim that the Holocaust wasn’t about race. If Jews hadn’t got the message from Harvard, the new power-brokers in Hollywood are telling them loud and clear: you’re next.

“Hollywood is run by the Joos!” is a long-running meme for the sort of edge-lords who think putting three brackets around Heeby-sounding names, or the ominous “them”, is the cutting-edge of online discussion. That doesn’t make it untrue, though. Even the LA Times matter-of-factly discusses how Hollywood was “founded and for more than thirty years operated by Eastern European Jews … the studio system was perfected by a second generation of Jews”. Even with the advent of television and to today, the Times chronicles, “the industry behind the cameras … is still preponderantly Jewish”.

For now.

Hollywood was and (for the moment) largely still is run by Jews (and so what?). But, in the very “racial reckoning” that Hollywood has done so much to foster, Jews are the next set of pins being lined up to fall. The Black Guards of the racial-cultural revolution have already come for the whites, now they’re gunning for the “white adjacent: Asians, and especially Jews.

Whoopi Goldberg might be a world-class asshole, but she’s not completely stupid. She was rat-cunning enough to change her name from “Johnson” to the uber-Jewish “Goldberg” in order to pander to them Joos wut runz Hollywood. But the racial wind is shifting in Hollywood and Whoopi’s smelling the breeze.

I’ve been working the “Hollywood apartheid” beat since before it was hip. Four years ago I reported on the USC Annenberg School’s push to force Hollywood to insert “inclusion riders” (“diversity” casting guarantees) in all industry contracts, and I predicted that soon enough those “riders” would be mandatory, and white actresses would be most severely affected in terms of lost work.

Sure enough, Hollywood now has mandatory “diversity quotas” that stipulate no more than 30% white actresses — and a third of those have to be trannies.

But if Hollywood’s Becky’s were the first to feel the bite of the hand they fed, the Goldas and Abes are in line for the next mauling.

The caps and quotas are now everywhere (all streaming services, TV networks, and movie studios), everyone’s afraid to speak out against them, and Jews are capped as white in production jobs […] and to be honest, I was rather stunned that the ethnic cleansing is so aggressive regarding off-camera jobs. I knew it would be ruthlessly enforced for actors, because changing the industry’s cosmetics is the easiest way to mollify nonwhite malcontents, most of whom think a “showrunner” is a guy who competes in exhibition relays.

But it was jarring to learn how deep the disease has spread. This isn’t a cancerous wart…it’s penetrated the industry’s bones.

To get an idea of how far-reaching the Hollywood progrom has gone, consider the new, half-billion dollar Academy Museum of Motion Pictures. Jews are completely erased from Hollywood’s past.

The museum pays tribute to blacks, trannies, and even Native Americans, but no mention of the people who created Hollywood in the first place […] Jews are now white, to be erased along with all other whites.

From their own industry.

This is surely not what Hollywood’s liberal Juden had in mind when they opened the doors to this shit.


Feminists led the charge of — in fact, founded — the ideology of transgenderism. Too late, they realised that all they’ve done is empower a vengeful, untouchable revolution of misogyny in drag.

Now, Hollywood’s Jews are realising, also too late, that the newest vengeful, racist ideology isn’t going to work out any better for them than the last one.
