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Making a desert of silicon and calling it green. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Nothing quite attests to the sheer, demented folly of “Net Zero” than its own defenders admitting that it will be ruinously expensive and achieve nothing practical in terms of “climate”.

Remember, this isn’t some wicked “Big Oil shill” or “climate denier” speaking: this is the pro “Net Zero” crowd coming clean on their dirty, giant secrets.

Australia’s biggest power grid would need to triple in size within eight years and trillions of dollars would need to be spent, according to a report outlining the colossal task of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

Repeat that. Read it out slowly, bit by bit.

Power grid triple in size.

Trillions of dollars.

In eight years.

Does anyone with the slightest grasp of reality not see a problem with this?

But that’s not all of it.

But a group of top research institutions, including the universities of Melbourne, Queensland and Princeton from the United States, have found the amount of gas-fired generation capacity will need to double in order to keep the lights on.

So, triple the power grid, spend trillions of dollars, and double gas-fired generation.

In just eight years.

These people are out of their ever-lovin’ minds.
Michael Brear, a director at the Melbourne Energy Institute at the University of Melbourne and one of the report’s authors, said the scale of the job ahead defied easy comprehension.

It defies credulity that anyone in their right mind could gaily throw around such gargantuan costs and expect to be taken seriously.

Still, at least they’re being honest about their lunacy.

“We are really just trying to paint a picture of what net zero actually means on the ground for all Australians,” Professor Brear said.

“We’re not taking a position on which route to getting there is better or worse or more or less plausible.

“But all of them are immense in scale, very complicated and will have significant costs.”

ABC Australia

Bear in mind that they’re not just talking about rebuilding and tripling Australia’s power grid, nor just about installing thousands or millions of hectares of solar panels and wind farms at a ruinous environmental cost, or the gargantuan expense and environmental footprint of the massive battery installations. Oh, no, they’re also talking about replacing every single vehicle on Australian roads with EVs that cost more than a luxury sedan—and replacing every single gas stove and heater with electric stoves and heat pumps.

And all of that will make less than 1% of one-degree difference to global temperatures, one hundred years from now.


These people ought to be locked up and kept very, very far away from any rational policy discussion.


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