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They’re Softening Us Up for a Lockdown Again

The government has moved from hushed whispers to out loud warnings that we will all be locked down again if there is just a single case of the much-hyped Delta variant in New Zealand:

New Zealand will move into a “short, sharp” alert level 4 lockdown if the highly infectious Covid-19 Delta variant makes its way through the border, Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins says.

His comments come as Australian states, including New South Wales, grapple with outbreaks and increasing daily cases and deaths. Hipkins warned all New Zealanders to plan for a lockdown at very short notice should a case emerge here.

“We are adjusting our response and our likely response to new more infectious variants as we seek to ensure that Covid-19 does not gain a foothold here,” he said in a Covid-19 update in Wellington on Wednesday.

“Our response is likely to be swift and severe in the event we would see a case emerge in the community.”


Ahem…you said that the last few lockdowns. ‘Do this once and we won’t have to do it again’, they said…again and again and again.

Here is where the government gets let off the hook by the morons in the bought and paid for media.

If Delta gets into New Zealand it can only have been through a border failure…nothing else.

Who is in charge of the border? The government is.

So if Delta gets into New Zealand it can only be the fault of a government that has no idea what it is doing.

When you add on the slowest in the world vaccine distribution then you can see that the only viable blame hound for the economic disaster that another lockdown would cause would be Jacinda Ardern and her cronies in government. They will have failed. We were never at the front of the queue, we were in the far-behind queue.

Ardern though is desperately looking to ramp up the scare factor, given their latest internal polling has shown that their share of the vote has fallen to 38%, the Greens are mired at 8% and National has now clawed itself to within cooee of Labour on 31%. Act scored a creditable 13% and NZ First is lurking at 4%.

Labour are in panic mode, and they desperately need another lockdown so people can remember just how wonderful Jacinda Ardern is.

Except she isn’t wonderful. She’s decidedly average…hell she can’t even tell the difference between bought and brought.

Time’s up for this government. We don’t need more lockdowns. We need a competent government.

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