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They’re Talkin’ about a Revolution

**This article has been republished. It is one of the most popular articles from 2021.

Don't you know They're talkin' 'bout a revolution It sounds like a whisper Don't you know They're talkin' about a revolution It sounds like a whisper

It’s now official, and it turns out that Judith Collins and David Seymour were right, Labour is talking about a revolution…in whispers, mind you, but you can actually hear it now.

Willie Jackson, one of the biggest racists in the parliament, has presented the divisive He Puapua report to cabinet, and from that has moved on some action points regarding how it can now be implemented.

Newsroom reports:

The Government is pushing ahead drafting a blueprint for greater co-governance with the help of key Maori stakeholders. It comes after the controversial He Puapua report went to Cabinet earlier this month, writes political editor Jo Moir.

In 2010 the then-National government signed New Zealand up to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

On Thursday Maori Development Minister Willie Jackson will announce at Nga Whare Waatea Marae in Auckland the initial steps for meeting those obligations.

Newsroom understands the starting point will be targeted engagement with key iwi and significant Maori organisations. Specifically, Maori stakeholders will be asked to help draw up the work plan.

Those stakeholders, which could include but are not limited to the Iwi Chairs Forum, New Zealand Maori Council and Maori Women’s Welfare League, will draft a plan for Jackson to take back to Cabinet.

It will then be put out for wider public consultation with the rest of the country.


This is a coup, or more accurately a revolution, abrogating our constitutional arrangements. They are just quietly setting about turning New Zealand upside down, from a place where Jack was as good as his master to a divided society where a small minority will have vastly expanded preferment and power. In South Africa, this was called apartheid, and ultimately it was rightly defeated. It seems however that we have learned nothing from history and we are plunging headlong towards a Maori style of apartheid.

If you don’t think the government will do this, think again. Already they have, under urgency, changed the law to remove democratic principles to foist Maori co-governance on to local body authorities. They say it is democratic but it isn’t. When people cannot even have a referendum to voice their disapproval then we no longer have a democracy. This was in He Puapua.

Blowing up democracy. Cartoon credit SonovaMin

This week too Nanaia Mahuta handed down the massive water reforms, which essentially steal the assets of councils, hands them over to four massive boards which cross iwi boundaries, where iwi get a co-goverance role in controlling the water. This too was in He Puapua.

Now we hear that Maori are getting a first look at proposals that have come out of cabinet after Willie Jackson presented the He Puapua report. They are being cute by claiming it is an independent report. It no longer is; it got presented to Cabinet. But Maori are being consulted and no one else is at this stage.

So much for one law for all, and equality under the law. Make no mistake, we are witnessing a slow moving revolution where power is being taken from ALL New Zealanders and given to a Maori elite who are largely unelected.

We are seeing an in your face softening up of us all aided and abetted by the woke media where absolutely everything is being Maorified. The Maorification of the debate now also extends to the government propaganda which appeared on television and radio to sell the Three Waters plan. There are mostly people of colour in their little cartoon, and only an old crusty white fisherman portrayed:

The Maorification is now endemic in state institutions, where staff are being forced to attend Maori courses and make all their greetings in Maori in official communications. Our media have jumped on board with the whole palaver with their endless Maorification and changing of place names to show us their wokeness.

Any opposition to this slow-moving revolution is greeted with accusations of racism, by the biggest racists in this country. We no longer have a democracy with these proposals. When you add in the hate speech laws and the attacks on gun owners, what we really have is a revolution. We are being silenced, slowly but surely.

It’s an old song from Tracy Chapman, but the words are still relevant. They are talkin’ about a revolution. The only thing missing are the Mao suits and the guns…

Don't you know They're talkin' 'bout a revolution It sounds like a whisper Don't you know They're talkin' about a revolution It sounds like a whisper

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