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Thing That Never Happens, Happens Again

Believe it or not, this person is in custody for child sex abuse charges. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

That thing you’re told just never happens? It’s happened again.

What I’m referring to is paedophiles using “child drag” in order to groom children. The rainbow lobby vehemently insist that such a thing never happens. It’s all just a vile “anti-LGBTQIA+ slur”. No trans paedophile would ever use child drag events to get at children and into their pants.

Except when they do. Again and again.

The roster of drag queens exposed as paedophiles grows by the day. Here’s yet another one.

A child drag queen whose appearance at an event in an Oregon pub named after Satan sparked fierce protests was mentored by her aunt and a suspected pedophile.

Vanellope Macpherson Dupont was introduced to drag aged seven by her aunt, Jennifer D Hibbs, a drag queen who performs under the name Sunshine Ray MacPherson.

The child was then introduced to Kelsey Boren, 31, a former elementary school employee who is currently in custody on child sex abuse charges.

Boren, who performed drag under the name Alwaiz Craving, is accused of sharing child porn images and told detectives that she has an ‘uncontrollable itch’ to communicate with pedophiles.

Did the family immediately move to protect their child by removing them entirely from the child drag scene? Or did they run cover for the groomers?

Three guesses.

Vanellope’s family insist she has not been ‘forced into this’ and took up drag after asking Hibbs, who ‘wanted to support her niece and let her express herself’ […]

Vanellope’s family sought to clarify the child’s relationship with Boren by insisting it was a ‘professional one’ – but did not explain what that meant.

Forgive me for suspecting that it means the child’s family were all-too-willing to pimp their offspring out to the seedy underworld of the drag scene. The possibility that sexualising children might be a magnet never seemed to bother them.

The child […] was slated to perform at a drag queen story time event in Eugene, Oregon, at the Old Nick’s pub, which also hosts fetish nights.

Vanellope’s act at the Sunday morning event was canceled after violent clashes outside.

She still attended the event, which went ahead despite confrontations between supporters of the event and protesters who claim such events are sexual and inappropriate for young children.

But all-too-appropriate for paedophiles, evidently.

Details of Boren’s links to the girl emerged amid the uproar about the story time event.
Boren has already reportedly told cops that she had spent several years prior to her arrest swapping child porn with pedophiles online.

She was initially arraigned in August on two counts of encouraging child sexual abuse in the first degree.

One charge relates to creating a pornographic image which police believe was of a neighbor. Court documents state the picture was taken several years ago and that she shared the image often.

Boren claimed her interactions with pedophiles were ‘a compulsion, or uncontrollable itch, that she couldn’t stop’, according to a probable cause affidavit.

Daily Mail

Covering a recent “Drag Queen Story Time” event in Tasmania, what particularly struck me was the attitude of the mothers attending. They were clearly revelling in the attention from the small group of trannies and queers who whooped and cheered at the sight of little boys dressed in girls’ clothing. They couldn’t stop beaming as they lapped it all up.

Like any stage mother, it’s all about them, not what’s best for their children. They’re little better than pimps with strollers.
