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Thing That Never Happens… Happens. Again.

If the left will blindly defend this, they’ll defend anything. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

If you were to believe the gender groomers, the idea that predatory men will use “trans” as an excuse to creep into women’s and girls’ spaces is a “right wing nut job” conspiracy. But then, if you were to believe the gender groomers, you’d think that women can have penises.

As those of us in the real world know, people with penises are men. And a creepy cohort of men are predators who will use any excuse to get their rocks off at girls’ expense.

Including by pretending to be women.

And so, here we are, at “This Never Happens”, well, happening. Again.

On Friday, March 3, 2023, four freshman girls at Sun Prairie East High School (EHS) participated in a swim unit as part of their first-hour physical-education class. After the class, the girls entered the girls’ athletic locker room to shower and change for class. Upon entering, they noticed a senior male student in the area containing lockers and benches. It is our understanding this male was 18 years old at the time of the incident.

For non-Americans, a “freshman” is 14 or 15 years old. And we all know that an 18-year-old is a legal adult.

According to the girls, this student was not in the first-hour PE class they were participating in. While the girls were surprised to see him in the locker room, they had a general idea that this student identifies as transgender and has used girls’ bathrooms before. While they were uncomfortable, they proceeded to the shower area.

As you might expect, the alarmed girls kept their swimsuits on — as they normally would during rinsing-off, anyway. But not the adult male tranny predator.

As they began to shower, the male student approached them, entered the shower area, announced “I’m trans, by the way,” and­ then undressed fully and showered completely naked right next to one of the girls. He was initially turned towards the wall but eventually turned and fully exposed his male genitalia to the four girls. Understandably, the girls were caught off guard and shocked, closed their eyes, and tried to hurry up and leave the showers as quickly as possible.

Even more understandably, at this point, the girls fled the scene. At this point, they were afraid and unsure of what to do.

But when one of the girls shared the story with another student, that student correctly told them that this incident should be reported as soon as possible.

On Monday, March 6, the other student (who was not involved in the incident) informed student services about the incident.

The school’s associate principal did not inform the Title IX coordinator, as required under federal law. The only action taken was demanding to know the names of the girls involved.

Assistant Principal Heidi Walter later admitted during a meeting with parents that she should have “dug deeper” at that time.

It was left to angry and distressed parents to try and chase up the school on the incident. They were fobbed off with inadequate apologies, and vague references to unnamed school policies. Despite repeated requests, the school stonewalled on meeting with parents until more than a month after the incident.

The school, as it turns out, indeed has a “Restroom and Locker Room Accessibility Guidance” document — which makes for very telling reading.

Under the guidance document, males may still use the girls’ locker room and may do so without any regard for the privacy or comfort of female students […]

It is quite telling that, according to the guidance document, if biological girls desire more privacy, it is the girls who must leave and use a separate bathroom or locker room.

Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty

And that’s the lesson, here. Girls, you lose. If a tranny wants to wave his dick in your face, too bad.

Welcome to your transgender future, ladies. The BFD. Cartoon: Patriarchy Comics.

And if the trannies can’t get their way, no one can.

A Pennsylvania high school announced that they will be closing all school locker rooms after parents raised concerns about a trans-identified student using the boys changing room.

The Post-Millennial

Thanks, trannies!
