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The BFD.
For all the people complaining about mandates here are a few thoughts:

1) ACTs position is that people should be able to choose what goes on their property, so we believe the Government’s policy is wrong. We laid this out in October.

2) Under ACTs policy, most businesses would still require vaccination. Why? Because their staff and customers demand it. Why? Well because the overwhelming majority of us are thrilled with the technology that is mRNA vaccines. We don’t think it’s a giant conspiracy, just an amazing human achievement.

What’s more, we’re getting a little tired of hearing from a tiny minority about the latest lunacy they’ve “researched” from some crackpot on rumble or some second tier website. If you want to go down your rabbit hole, fine, just leave the rest of us alone.

3) When it comes to listening, I’m hearing from people in the real world every day, and they just don’t agree with you. Sorry to tell you all this, I hope you come ‘round.

David Seymour
