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This 1930s Revival Is Getting Out of Hand

The modern left’s singular obsession with Palestine is fuelling its shocking antisemitism.

This 1930s revival is getting out of hand. We’ve got war erupting on three continents, weak Conservative leadership in Britain, a doddering president and a left-wing administration in the US and black-shirted thugs bashing and burning in cities across the West…

And, boy howdy, do we have unbridled anti-Semitic hate rampaging unchallenged.

All we’re missing is an Austrian with a funny moustache.

Just as in the 1930s, the vanguard of anti-Semitic hate is goose-stepping through the universities.

The presidents of three elite American universities faced a fierce backlash Wednesday that stretched from their campuses to the White House over their refusal to say whether calling for the genocide of Jews violates their policies against bullying and harassment.

They didn’t just “refuse to say”, they pretty explicitly confirmed that it’s not.

The college presidents – Claudine Gay of Harvard, Liz Magill of the University of Pennsylvania and Sally Kornbluth of MIT – have all come under scrutiny recently over how their institutions have handled a rise in antisemitism on their campuses since the start of the Israel-Hamas war.

All three testified Tuesday during a hearing before the Republican-led House Committee on Education and the Workforce, where they faced tough questions as their campuses have become hotbeds for protests, anti-Jewish graffiti and harassment of students.

But it was their response to questions about whether calling for the genocide of Jews violates their schools’ code of conduct against bullying and harassment that touched off a firestorm.

All three offered carefully worded statements that danced around the question despite repeated attempts by Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., to get them to answer.

No surprise that idiotic diversity hire, Gay, came closest to admitting that they don’t give a shit about Jews.

When pressed on whether it violates the code of ethics, she replied that “it can be, depending on the context.”

Magill responded to the same question by saying, “If the speech turns into conduct, it can be harassment. Yes.”

Kornbluth also drew a distinction between speech and conduct, suggesting that calling for the genocide of Jews would violate the college’s rules “if targeted at individuals.”

So, they can shout “Gas the Jews” all they like. Just so long as they don’t actually gas any Jews.

Try to imagine, though, what would happen if any students chanted to genocide blacks or trannies.

Appearing on CNN, former Harvard President Larry Summers, who held key positions in the administrations of Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, noted what he called “a double standard” in the way university leaders have responded to racism and other forms of prejudice and the way they’ve responded “to what is pretty clearly antisemitism.”

Asked if she felt safe on the MIT campus, [Liyam Chitayat, a Ph.D. student at MIT] said, “It’s not that Jewish and Israeli students don’t feel unsafe. They are unsafe.”


They should try being Jewish at Sydney University, where Jew-murdering Palestinian terrorists are valorised on the cover of the student newspaper.

Sydney is also where even uber-woke, big-mouthed lefties are too terrified to publicly support Israel.

Musician and actor Tim Minchin has reportedly weighed into the controversy over a pro-Palestine protest at Sydney Theatre Company, calling out people who live in “leftie bubbles” and have a misguided view of the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Minchin, a member of the STC Foundation which raises funds from donors for the theatre company, praised members of the Jewish community for their ongoing and generous support for the arts […]

He told the audience he did not want his comments being made public.

The Australian

This must be the first time in his life this foghorn leftist hasn’t wanted the world to have the benefit of his opinions. We all know why, of course: as soon as the comments were made public, the Twitter left went ballistic. #TimMinchin trended for days — and it wasn’t pretty. Just like that, little Timmy got cancelled.

Sydney’s civil authorities are also going wholeheartedly along with the 1930s nostalgia. As eye-witness journalist William Shirer recounts, in Nazi Berlin and Anschluss Vienna, police would stand by, smirking and doing nothing while mobs of brownshirts ran amok in the streets.

Over to you, Sydney.

State and federal police have dropped their investigations into a series of hate-fuelled anti-semitic sermons in NSW, saying the clerics’ calls for jihad and spitting on Israel so “Jews would drown” didn’t meet the criminality threshold […]

The sermons by Sydney-based clerics Abu Ousayd and “Brother Ismail” across multiple videos involved calling for jihad, reciting parables calling for the killing of Jews, and encouraging Middle Eastern Muslim nations to spit on Israel so the “Jews would drown”.

“Nothing to see here”, say the rozzers.

On Wednesday, NSW Police confirmed investigations had been dropped and would not ­resume. “The content of the speeches were reviewed, with legal advice from parties independent of the investigators ­obtained,” a NSW Police spokesman said. “The NSW Police Force understands it does not meet the threshold of any criminal offence.
“There will be no further investigation into the matter.”

An AFP spokesman confirmed soon after that “no commonwealth criminal offences had been identified” and that the matter was now closed.

It should be noted that Ousayd has form when it comes to inciting the worst kind of violence.

The Australian in November revealed that Mr Ousayd was jihadi preacher Wissam Haddad, an extremist who had ­expressed support for terrorist groups. His defunct al-Risalah Islamic Centre was frequented by men who went on to commit atrocities in Syria, such as Khaled Sharrouf and ­Mohamed Elomar.

Just par for the course, in the “Religion of Peace”.

Newly sworn-in senator Dave Sharma, a previous Australian ambassador to Israel, asked how no action had been taken. “Our law enforcement authorities need to enforce the law, make arrests and lay charges,” he said.

“Until the wider community understands that such hateful speech and incitement to violence against our Jewish community is not only unacceptable, but also unlawful, this disgusting spike in anti-Semitism will continue.”

The Australian

It’s almost like that’s just what the left-wing NSW government wants.

Face it, they’d do anything to keep the Muslim vote in Western Sydney. Labor is many things, but innumerate isn’t one of them. They’ve done the numbers of whose vote they can least afford to lose: sorry, Jews, you lose.


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