Andrew Giles’ position as Immigration Minister is now beyond untenable. The last Labor minister to have this much blood on his hands was Peter Garrett, under whose watch four apprentices died, due to the disastrously botched Pink Batts scheme.
Garrett, to damn him with faint excuses, could at least plead that it wasn’t directly his fault that unscrupulous cowboys greedily exploited a political con-job, putting the young workers’ lives on the line.
Giles has no such excuse. His own decisions have wrecked the lives of innocent Australians.
A child rapist who attacked his stepdaughter while his wife was giving birth was allowed to stay in Australia as a result of Immigration Minister Andrew Giles’ direction giving leniency to foreign-born criminals with ties to the nation, with overseeing tribunal member and ex-Labor speaker Anna Burke saying the direction “clearly states” tolerance for such offenders.
The ministerial direction has also played a role in at least two cases of migrant criminals who were allowed to stay after they claimed they were Aboriginal or accepted as Aboriginal by association to their romantic partners and children.
In all cases, the offenders had failed Australia’s character test and were going to be deported before the Administrative Appeals Tribunal reinstated their visas citing Direction 99.
Like a fake “historian” posing as a fake “Aborigine” in order to peddle his fake “history”, the latest scam of the bad wogs is putting on blackface and pretending to be a “Proud Ungabunga Man”.
Aboriginality is now becoming an excuse for foreign nationals wanting to stay, with one Cambodian-born criminal saying his deportation would split him from his Aboriginal partner and his five stepchildren and therefore “split up an Aboriginal family”. A New Zealander said an elder had certified him as a member of the Yorta Yorta community.
Just chuck on a bit of nugget and call yourself “Uncle”, and you’re in.
“Direction 99” was Giles’ direct order to bureaucrats to give violent, foreign-born criminals the right to stay in Australia. Giles’s order deliberately overturned the previous rules, which put the safety and expectations of the Australian community. Those now run a long second to the “rights” of criminal foreigners.
And Australians are paying in the worst possible ways.
As Labor and Mr Giles’ political crisis over their lack of control over foreign offenders worsens, The Australian has uncovered dozens of cases in front of the AAT where criminals were able to stay in Australia as a result of Mr Giles’ Direction 99.
The Australian
A suspected people smuggler, a pedophile, multiple repeat domestic violence perpetrators, drug traffickers, a kidnapper and a man who drove a stolen car into a police garage at speed are among dozens who avoided deportation because of Immigration Minister Andrew Giles’s push for more leniency for foreign-born criminals with ties to Australia […]
The impact of Mr Giles’s ‘Direction 99’ has been in the spotlight since one of those released as a result of that direction, Sudan-born Emmanuel Saki, went on to allegedly stab another man to death in Queensland on Mother’s Day […]
In the child rape case, a New Zealand-born man – referred to as CHCY – kept his visa two months ago despite being found guilty of raping and assaulting his 14-year-old stepdaughter multiple times while his wife was in hospital giving birth to his youngest child.
The Australian
The scandal is going far higher than Giles’ office. Anthony Albanese, twisting and squirming, has tried to blame the bureaucrats and the states for Giles’ shocking decisions. We now know that that was just another lie.
Immigration Minister Andrew Giles has conceded that his own delegate signed off on the removal of an ankle bracelet from the former detainee accused of bashing a Perth grandmother, undermining Anthony Albanese’s attempts to blame an independent board for the growing scandal.
As Labor’s detainee crime crisis deepened on Friday, The Australian revealed convicted drug offender Majid Jamshidi Doukoshkan had broken his curfew conditions just one minute after they were imposed on him, and that he went on to ignore the restrictions on his movements a further five times.
The Australian
Putting the interests of violent foreigners ahead of Australians is Giles’ supposed “moral compass”. Giles first rose to prominence as a “human rights” lawyer, defending a group of Sri Lankan illegal immigrants who violently commandeered the ship which rescued them at sea, forcing it to take them to Australia.
As Nigel Farage blasted former UN Human Rights Comissioner Louise Arbour, at the 2016 Munk Debate: You think migrant rights are more important than female rights in our community. Frankly, shame on you.