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This Government Couldn’t Run a Bath

Photo by Curology. The BFD.

To put the headline into context they have yet to locate the tap. If they found it you can bet it would be the cold one. Their next problem would be wondering how to turn it on. In their four years in office the only things they’ve come close to being hot on is the air they expel vocally and matters to do with global warming. They are great at spin, however. They’d beat your washing machine or clothes dryer hands down. They also excel at what they accuse others of: misinformation.

The NZ Herald used the word “misinformation” in a headline on an article about Siouxsie Wiles breaking the same rules she lectures everyone else on. In a classic case of one rule for me and one for everybody else, she appeared on ZB Drive with Heather du Plessis Allan and laughed the whole thing off. The problem with the likes of her, Ashley Bloomfield and Michael Baker is they’ve been allowed to get far too big for their boots. And it’s Ardern who has allowed this to happen. These people think they are running the country and in some ways, they are.

The government needs to get a grip on the deteriorating economic situation and start taking some bold decisions in relation to Covid and the effect it’s having on the economy. It needs to start to get an understanding of business, particularly small businesses, the rural sector and transport. We need to stop being run by the Ministry of Health and associated so-called ‘experts’. Nick Leggett said as much on ZB a few nights ago. The government must take back control of the running of the country. The more these other people are allowed full rein the more restrictive things are becoming.

Level 2 is more like Level 3. This is having a negative effect on businesses; in particular those in the hospitality sector. Fifty patrons per establishment is not an economic proposition. Truckers having to get tested weekly when they’re on their own for most of their working day is a nonsense. Butchers, garden centres and DIY stores should be open. Workers from the islands having to self isolate for seven days is ridiculous. Even they’re not sufficient for the horticulture industry because there are no backpackers.

Then we have the rest of the country sitting around waiting for products manufactured in Auckland. The industries concerned are now allowed to operate but only after going through a process with MBIE. A government that understood business would have anticipated weeks ago that would happen. These are all impositions businesses don’t need in the current climate. Common sense needs to prevail.

It’s past time these health boffins were taken out of the equation. They have been allowed to wield power far above their station. The other people who need removing are the modellers who have no more idea than you or I what the numbers might be. They’d be on safer ground modelling for ‘flu and suicide deaths. These are consistently more than 500 and 600 respectively every year. That’s in excess of eleven hundred deaths annually from just two causes. From Covid, just over a couple of dozen. Why don’t these apologists for health geniuses start focusing on the real killers in this country?

When it comes to an elimination strategy Ardern, Bloomfield, Wiles and Baker are going to have to eventually admit they were wrong. They will be forced to come to the conclusion that the rest of the world has come to or is coming to.

The correct strategy is learning to live with it. These people, basking in their newfound glory and self-importance, aided and abetted by a compliant media, need to exit stage left. And the quicker the better. We’ve had enough of them and their supercilious nonsense. They don’t live in the real world, our world, or the world of business. Like the government, they have no understanding of it, which is why they’ve been allowed to get away with it.

Between the lot of them, this country is now in a sorry state. Things are going to get worse economically before they get better. Vaccinations will help but Covid will not go away any more than the ‘flu will.

The irony of this whole shambles is the flu will kill far more Kiwis each year than Covid. If you want to put Covid in perspective that’s it. Not forgetting the tragedy of the 600 plus who take their own lives annually.

This government, bound up in ideology and control is going to have a lot to answer for in the future. But it won’t be their problem. As always it’s the other lot who have to clean up the mess. One thing is for sure, this gormless crowd won’t have a clue how it all happened. And, of course, it won’t be their fault.

In conclusion and with apologies to 76 Trombones-

Twenty six Labour Ministers led the big charade
With another forty three MPs close at hand
They were followed by rows and rows of public servants
The cream of every Labour bandTwenty six Labour Ministers caught the morning bus
With another forty three MPs right behind
And more than a thousand public servants springing up like weeds
They were idiots of every shape and kindTwenty six Labour Ministers hit the counter point
While another forty three MPs sprayed the air
Then I modestly took my place as the one and only PM
And gaily misinformed up and down the square

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