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This Government Is Scared Witless

“Be gone Proles.” Playing Emperor. Photoshopped image credit Pixy. The BFD.

Thursday’s events on the lawns of Parliament have spooked the government and the police. There were no arrests on Friday. There were no advances by the police and no violence amongst the protesters. The MSM were predicting, and undoubtedly hoping for, major confrontations but were left with nothing.

The media, to their credit, provided live coverage on both days and there was little doubt in my mind their purpose was to portray a gathering of illogical, unhinged conspiracy theorists but instead New Zealand witnessed a large number of strong-minded, independent thinkers representing a typical cross-section of New Zealanders.

The degree of force used by police during the arrest of the 120 protesters on Thursday amounted to brutal thuggery. Since when do you need up to five burly policemen – and women – to drag, throw to the ground, handcuff and practically maul someone for the crime of standing on Parliament’s lawn?

They were not arresting gun-toting drug barons but ordinary Kiwis who were opposed to the Labour Government’s Covid intervention strategies. All this at the direction of the cowardly politicians hiding in the security of our Parliament buildings.

“Be gone Proles.” Playing Emperor. Photoshopped image credit Pixy. The BFD.

These cowards haven’t even got the courage to show their faces. Who would you rather have on your side going into battle? The MPs or the protesters?

When a government requires up to 150 police to dismantle a show of public discontent, all within a small perimeter on the lawns of Parliament, there is little doubt we are living in a police state. But the 150 police backed off yesterday. Why? Because New Zealand will not tolerate thuggery in the name of enforcement of government policy.

Politicians, the police and the media are cornered. They are struggling with the concept of rational thinking. They are confronted by salt of the earth Kiwis who have out-thought them and outmanoeuvred them and all of this without Ardern’s permission!

To the 120 arrested victims of this Government’s order, we salute you in the name of democracy.

To the many thousands of others participants involved in the restoration of sanity to this country, we respect and admire your courage and determination.

If Trevor Mallard believes turning on the sprinklers will disperse the gathering, it is a clear indication of how out of touch he is. It was a pathetic act by a desperate politician. Front up, you coward. You may run from an activated sprinkler but not this lot. They are laughing at you. They have the backing of hundreds of thousands of like-minded Kiwis. This government is scared witless.
