I believe the Covid vaccine discord festering amongst many is more than a simple conflict of opinions and options. When public debate is deactivated through political provocation and media compliance, we have oppression.
We are controlled by a one-party system that has abandoned democracy in favour of an ideological manifesto that never saw the light of day during the last election. Do you think Labour would have won the election if its platform was “We are the only source of truth”? Of late such arrogance has been coughed up and spat out resulting in us drowning in a huge puddle of socialist phlegm.
The ‘podium of truth’ has become the podium of ‘propaganda and control’ where only the Government’s ‘truth’ is tolerated. The intense and targeted attack on any contrary opinion regarding the Covid vaccine rollout has reached a frenetic state. No debate is tolerated. Dissension is met with ridicule and ruthless authoritarianism.
When a Government has to commandeer three television channels, TV2, TV3 and Maori Television to advocate its will for eight straight hours, as is happening today, then we are witnessing the end of democracy that has served this country since conception. This state-funded indoctrination has been veneered as “for the greater good”. Not for you and I, but for Ardern and her government.
Today we will witness an Ardern love fest where she will be paraded as the countries guardian angel supported by a handful of selected political supporters. The performers will consist of only those who have submitted to the demands of the casting couch. The media awash with state-funded cash, wallowing in massive Covid advertising revenue and a taxpayer-funded eight-hour Ardern adoration caravel, will of course be compliant.
Ardern will only be satisfied when 90% of the population love her. To hell with the 90% vaccinated. It has always been about Ardern, never the health of the country.
How many more will die today through mental health issues and neglected medical interventions? How many more small businesses will throw in the towel today awash with debt? How many family members will today be forcefully separated from terminally ill loved ones? How many New Zealanders today have been abandoned, not being allowed to return to their country of citizenship? How many New Zealanders today are trapped within a police guarded geographical boundary? How many New Zealanders are being humiliated today for daring to have an opposing view? These are this Government’s dirty secrets. Yet they party on. “Thank you very much for your kind donations”.