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This Is Not the Time to Rejoice

We need to think ahead, act instead of reacting and look for the clues about what they’re going to roll out next.

Photo by Raffaele Parente / Unsplash

Tani Newton

It’s funny how the UK had their election on the Fourth of July and the USA had theirs on Guy Fawkes’ Day. Maybe they both wanted to be sure that there would at least be fireworks somewhere.

More remarkable than that, though, and more astonishing than Donald Trump’s resounding victory, has been the rise of Bobby Kennedy from conspiracy theorist, anti-vaxxer and disinformation spreader, to chief of medical services in the USA. It’s more than surprising: like a few other things lately, his triumph seems too good to be true and, to at least one cynic, it is.

It just doesn’t seem possible to me that the Deep State that runs America, and the shadowy players that run the rest of the world, can simply have lost. These people are immune to elections: they have ruled unelected for decades and they know how to. If Donald Trump was a truly serious threat to them, they could have done a lot better than two utterly amateurish assassination attempts and a lot of crude harassment.

They use tools and, when a tool has had its usefulness, they then dump it. That’s why it doesn’t excite me at all that people are finally realising that you-know-what is not safe and effective. Unlike many of my friends, I don’t see this as a sign that people are ‘waking up’. When you’ve been experimented on in your sleep, waking up isn’t much to be congratulated on.

The tide is turning, undoubtedly, against dangerous and shoddy pharmaceuticals. The fact that industry corruption and corporate capture are causing massive harm to health is coming out. But all that signals to me is that those things have had their usefulness to the global cabal and are being let go.

Maybe the woke nightmare will fade away again, too, and we will once more be free to use words to mean what they mean. Maybe even climate change will cease to be the constant theme of the ‘news’. But that doesn’t mean that a new day of freedom and enlightenment is coming. All it means is that those tools have been used up and thrown away.

Think back to the environmental movement and how it has been used. I have been around for all of this… I can still vaguely remember being taken to one of the first Friends of the Earth meetings in Auckland at the age of four. Friends of the Earth did good things, then Greenpeace gradually took over and did good things and then the whole environmental movement was captured by the forces of international communism. Now they campaign for global totalitarianism under the guise of ‘saving the planet’ from pesky humanity.

Of course, it didn’t start there. Communism was originally promoted as championing the needs of the oppressed working classes. Only when it had made all the mileage it could out of that, did it change its flag from red to green and take to championing the needs of the oppressed environment. It’s gone on to offer its helping hand to oppressed races, oppressed perverts and anyone else it can use. They’re all just tools. The people behind the agenda don’t believe their own narrative. Again: when a tool is used up, they’ll throw it away.

We need to turn around and look at what is going on behind our backs while we are kept distracted with circus sideshows, like an election debate between a game-show host and a dementia patient. These things are not what are really happening. They’ve done the experiments they wanted to do on us with their creepy injections and, while we rejoice in the overthrow of that, they will be far ahead with the next step of their plan for our utter enslavement. We need to think ahead, act instead of reacting and look for the clues about what they’re going to roll out next. This is not the time to rejoice.
