As I type this I am very angry. No, I am furious. Jacinda Ardern’s ‘two classes of citizens’ has now personally affected my family and put the health of my grandchild at risk.
Finding a midwife and a specialist is extra hard these days as all the ones who refused to be forced to take an experimental vaccine were fired from their jobs. Let’s not mince words and say that they were let go. They were FIRED for defending their bodily autonomy from an evil overreaching tyrannical government.
Their human rights were trampled over by Jacinda Ardern’s jackbooted thugs and now they have trampled all over the human rights of my daughter and her child to have medical care.
There is a history of difficult births and a serious birth injury in my family so I wanted a specialist to oversee my daughter’s pregnancy. We were very lucky to find a group of specialists in our area that had one spot left for the time that she is expected to give birth. They rang my daughter to tell her the good news and then they asked her if she was vaccinated for Covid-19. When she said that no she wasn’t, they said they would not take her as a patient.
Let’s just unpick this for one moment. Does my daughter’s doctor refuse to treat her because she is unvaccinated? The answer is no. Does the supermarket refuse to sell her food because she is unvaccinated? The answer is no. Does her place of work refuse to employ her because she is unvaccinated? The answer is no. If my daughter was in a car accident and taken to the hospital would they refuse to treat her because she is not vaccinated? The answer is no.
If God forbid something goes wrong with my daughter’s pregnancy and it isn’t picked up because she isn’t under the care of a specialist; that will be on this group of specialists who swore an oath to first do no harm. How can they live with themselves denying women medical care when, if they truly fear Covid, there is so much that can be done to counter their fear.
They could wear useless masks to make themselves feel safe. They could have asked my daughter to take a Covid test before each appointment. They didn’t offer either of those options because this has NOTHING to do with genuine fear. It is because they are acting as the jackbooted brownshirts of Jacinda Ardern. They might be in private practice but they are enforcing the ‘two classes of citizens’ message loud and clear. This is about coercion and punishment. They want my daughter to risk miscarrying her child by having an experimental vaccine for a virus that is not a risk to her age group because everyone MUST conform in Ardern’s NZ even if they have previously had a life-threatening reaction to the first vaccine.

This is not about health; this is about punishment, and any political party that supports this evil will NEVER get my vote. I am looking at you, National and ACT. Where were you when Ardern first did this to us? You were shoulder to shoulder with her, demonising those of us who said, “my body, my choice.”
Now my daughter and my grandchild are collateral damage in this tyranny. This is unforgivable.