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This Is Where All the Aid Money Goes

tunnels Israel war Palestine

“Palestine” is dirt-poor. It has one of the lowest GDPs per capita. But then, it’s Arab neighbours aren’t much better, and that’s even with massive natural resources, oil most notably. Yet, it’s neighbour Israel, which is also a desert country with no real natural resources, has one of the highest: higher than New Zealand, Britain, Canada, or Finland.

It might be argued that, like postwar Germany and Japan, Israel’s prosperity is partly underwritten by US support for its defence budget — but, unlike Germany and Japan, Israel has to use their defence budget, repeatedly, to fend off their Arab neighbours.

So, why is Palestine so dirt-poor and Israel so prosperous?


Israel makes smart choices and invests its brainpower in highly value-added exports such as technology and precision instruments.

Palestine, which is about the same landmass and population, and as few natural resources, as Singapore, and an enviable setting on the jewelled Mediterranean sea, could have chosen to become the Singapore of the Levant. Especially with global aid agencies largely relieving its government of normal civic responsibilities, it’s had even more of a leg-up than Germany and Japan ever had.

Instead, Palestine invests its limited brainpower (your daily reminder that the average IQ is 78) in a fanatical obsession with killing Jews. All of the billions of aid which pour into Gaza and the West Bank every year either disappear into the bank balances of its elite (Hamas’ leaders all have personal fortunes in the billions, and live in luxury in places like Qatar) or is funnelled into building rockets and tunnels with the sole purpose of killing Jews.

Lots and lots of tunnels. Hundreds of kilometres of them.

Including this recently uncovered behemoth.

Israel has revealed what it says is the biggest tunnel its troops have ever discovered, as its army works to expose and destroy Hamas terrorists’ sprawling underground city known as ‘the Gaza Metro’.

Thought to stretch some 300 miles beneath the embattled enclave, Israeli soldiers have painstakingly sought to locate every entrance to every passageway in the ‘spider’s web’ of tunnels and make them unusable.

The network was instrumental to Hamas in organising the October 7 atrocities, which saw its fighters storm across the Israeli border and murder 1,200 people, and has been used as a hiding place for terrorists and their weapons.

All that effort and expense, for no other purpose than killing Jews.

Israel’s Defence Forces spokesperson has now given journalists a tour of the extensive tunnel, which spokesperson Daniel Hagari said is wide enough to fit a car through and spans well over 2.5 miles (4km).

He said the tunnel had been built in order to carry out a terror attack, with its end just 400 metres (1,310ft) before the Erez Crossing – the barrier Hamas and other Palestinian terror groups smashed through to launch their bloody attack on Israel more than 70 days ago […]

Discussing the lengths Hamas has gone to in order to establish its huge network, Lt. Col. Richard Hecht said: ‘Hamas has persistently and deliberately invested enormous amounts of money and resources into terrorist tunnels that serve only one purpose – attacking the State of Israel and its residents.

Daily Mail

Imagine what these murderous cretins could have achieved if they only diverted half the effort and money they poured into killing Jews, into building a functioning state.
