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This Is Where Your Aid Money Goes

GAZA CITY, GAZA – JULY 20: Palestinian Hamas militants

Of late, whenever I bother with Facebook, my feed is spammed with so-called “charities”, purporting to fundraise “for Palestine”. I’d as soon have donated money for poor, suffering Nazis being bombed in WWII. Worse, some of these “charities” I know for a fact have been implicated in channeling money to Hamas.

Even worse than that, many of them are branches of the thoroughly discredited, corrupt UN. Agencies like the UNRWA, which have long been exposed for their involvement in peddling virulently anti-Semitic, violent propaganda to Palestinian children.

Every virtue-signalling leftist idiot who proudly pullulate on such scam pages, puffing up their little chest and boasting, “I donated!”, ought to know that their donation will wind up in Hamas’ pockets — and larders.

As a new video from the IDF shows, beyond doubt, Hamas are blatantly stealing aid sent to Gaza — and brutally beating relief workers who try to stop them.

On Sunday (9th December), the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) shared a video on social media wherein Hamas terrorists were seen looting humanitarian aid sent to Gaza by various international organisations.

The terrorists were also seen thrashing a relief worker with a stick and running away with a vehicle, stacked with humanitarian aid.

For all the pearl-clutching Greens, whining that aid isn’t getting to people in Gaza, well, now you know.

While sharing the video, IDF said, “Hamas members beat civilians and steal the humanitarian aid they received from international organizations—facilitated by Israel.”

“Hamas puts its terrorist goals over Gazans’ needs,” the Israel Defense Forces emphasised.

Israel has time and again accused the ‘irredeemably flawed’ United Nations Palestinian Refugee Agency (UNPRA) of fuelling the ongoing conflict in Gaza and instilling hatred against the Jewish State.

As for the tens of millions Western numpties are pouring into “donations”, the reality is that they’re just investing in more rockets to try and kill Jews.

The question remains whether funds meant for the ‘welfare’ of Palestinians are diverted for terror activities. A case in point is that of a Gaza aid worker named Mohammed Halabi, who transferred $50 million of humanitarian funds to Islamic terror outfit Hamas.

The funds were used to build tunnels and rockets to attack the State of Israel. Israel’s Shin Bet intelligence service described him as “a major figure in the terrorist/military arm of Hamas”.

Halabi, who worked for the global charity ‘World Vision’ transferred 60% of the funds to Hamas terrorists through a “sophisticated and systematic apparatus.”

Even when they’re not just stealing it, Hamas is free-riding off the blind charity of the West.

The Hamas-run government benefits from foreign countries footing the bill for schools, hospitals and infrastructure, allowing it to conserve its own resources, including the taxes and customs it collects.


No wonder, contrary to the demented fangirling of the political left and their media lickspittles, the majority of Americans know very well who’s in the right, here.

A new poll from the Wall Street Journal has revealed that most Americans support Israel’s fight against Hamas following the Palestinian terrorist group’s Oct. 7 attack that led to over 1,200 deaths and more than 200 people being taken hostage.

The poll found that 55 percent of Americans said Israel is “taking the military action needed to defend itself and prevent Hamas from attacking it again.” Just 25 percent of Americans said that Israel’s “military action is disproportionate and going too far in its response to the Hamas attack.”

42 percent of Americans said that they sympathize with the Israeli people more than the Palestinians, with 33 percent saying they strongly sympathize with the Israelis and 9 percent saying they somewhat sympathize. 33 percent of Americans said they sympathize with both the same, and 12 percent said they sympathize with the Palestinians. An additional 7 percent said they sympathize with neither group, and 7 percent did not know.

The Post Millennial

In other words, the far-left Democrats, like the revolting Greens in Australia and New Zealand, and the craven Albanese government, are once again completely out of touch with voters.
