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“Why didn’t everyone love Jacinda as much as me? WHY?” The BFD. Photoshopy by Lushington Brady.

I really wish actors would learn to just do their little song and dance and then shut the hell up when the organ grinder stops. It’s one thing to know, in the abstract, that actors are mostly pretty stupid (as Sir Anthony Hopkins admits), quite another when another of your favourite actors comes right out and proves it.

Sam Neil has repeatedly made a right twat of himself, cooing and clucking over the unlamented reign of Jacinda Ardern. He only digs the hole of twattery deeper, when he starts prattling on about women leaders in general. He would, he says, “like to see women running most countries”.

Well, no doubt he’s weeping into his soy latte at the departure of another female head of state — one who surely ticked off every intersectional box Sam could possibly jack himself over.

Sanna Marin was a kind of progressive Scandi’s wet dream: raised by lesbians and thus from a “rainbow family” (as she put it), the thirty-seven-year-old is also a vegetarian — in a country where almost all vegetables are illegal. Her attractive appearance and rather racy image — she enjoyed “partying” and sometimes didn’t wear many clothes, plus there were exciting drug allegations (which she denied) — briefly cheered up a nation with one of the highest suicide rates in Europe. But now she is gone.

No doubt, Sam and his lackwit pals would witter some nonsense or other about “patriarchy”, but the simple fact is that Marin got right up Finns’ noses, as wokesters invariably do. You can only bullshit so many people for so long.

Four years is pretty much the maximum any country, except Canada, can take of unrelieved wokery. When Sanna was selected back in 2019, a thesis began to gain ground that although the world was a singularly dreadful planet on account of humankind, women — who have been responsible for everything good that has happened in the world, and none of the bad — would sail in to save us all. Liberal commentators cited the accession of Sanna as evidence for this, and pointed to similarities with Our Sainted Lady the Blessed Jacinda Ardern of the mysterious hermit kingdom New Zealand. They also nodded in the direction of Scotland, where Nicola Sturgeon had strode the political stage like a very small colossus.

Yes, well how did it all work out, again?

As always, though, the only problem for the wokerati is that reality invariably catches up with their own self-contradictions. How, after all, can women make better leaders, if you can’t even define what a “woman” is? Or indeed, you insist that, not only are women and men completely interchangeable, that men are actually better women than even women are?

The fact that these two statements clearly contradict each other surely demonstrates how imaginative and flexible are the thought processes of both women and their differently genitaled allies.

Truly, as Orwell said, “One has to belong to the ‘intelligentsia’ to believe things like that. The ordinary person, unburdened by a modern university edyucayshun, is not so easily fooled.

One way or another, the obvious contradictions of liberal overreach will do for these politicians, much as it ensured the end of Sturgeon’s political career.

There is growing evidence that Britain’s politicians fully understand this, with Rishi Sunak laying into political correctness and Sir Keir Starmer performing a very welcome volte-face on the issue of transgenderism. They are beginning to understand where the public stands on this stuff, and who it will vote for next time around, regardless of gender.

The Spectator

As are growing numbers of Republican politicians who are ignoring the screeching lynch mobs of ugly men in dresses, and even uglier bearded ladies, and passing measure after measure to stop them getting their hooks into children’s minds and underpants. The left has, as comedy Tropic Thunder put it, “Gone full retard”. You never go full political retard.

Look how it worked out for Ardern, Marin and Sturgeon.
