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grayscale photo of a person in a tunnel
Photo by Ahmed Zayan

Since the turn of this century, the fabric of Western society appears to have become almost transparently thin and holes are evident. I put it down to Tony Blair, who became the Prime Minister of Britain in 1997 and subsequently cooked up a story with President George W Bush that Sadam Hussein had “weapons of mass destruction” and could destroy Europe with only 45 minutes’ warning. This convenient fabricated excuse to invade Iraq, with its large reserves of oil and gas, cost the lives of up to one million Iraqis. Military adventurism in Afghanistan and Kosovo, too, indicated that, with the arrival of Bush and Blair, the use of force was returned to near the top of the list for the resolving of ‘problems’, especially problems in countries not known for their military might.

Tony Blair named his approach The Third Way, which his successors in both Labour and Conservative parties, and presidents Obama and Biden, have continued to follow. Countries including Europe, Australia and New Zealand are currently at different stages on the journey to the “New World Order”.

Blair once wrote: “The Third Way stands for a modernised social democracy, passionate in its commitment to social justice.” One definition of social justice is that all people should have the same rights and opportunities and a country’s wealth and resources should benefit everyone in that country. However, it became evident that another agenda was being pursued, when the introduction of ID cards was mooted (this was defeated and put aside to be resurrected at another time) and electronic surveillance and facial-recognition technology was introduced.

Blair, his UK successors, and their equivalents in Europe and the US have got away, so far, with a far bigger scam than anything else to date: the resurrection and application of the Cloward–Piven strategy. This political strategy was outlined in 1966 and aims to utilise “militant anti-poverty groups” to facilitate a “political crisis” by overloading the welfare system and forcing the creation of a system of guaranteed minimum income and “redistributing income through the federal government”. This strategy, when combined with the throwing open of borders to millions of immigrants, can be only considered to be a deliberate attempt to ruin a country – or group of countries as in the EU – and bring on its collapse as a precursor to “The Great Reset”.

The massive changes being introduced in power generation to try to achieve the mystical ‘net zero’ and meaningless wars, both real and proxy, are also useful, too, if you wish to bankrupt a country then claim to be its saviour with your brilliant idea of a “Great Reset”.

Rather than seeing such things as ‘net zero/global warming’, the ‘Ukrainian conflict’, mass immigration, mRNA vaccinations, etc, in isolation, we need to recognise that together they represent a deliberate and devastating attack on our very culture and way of life and that disaster is imminent.

“An evil man will burn his own country to the ground to rule over the ashes.”

Sun Tzu

Blair introduced many other disastrous ideas but another that stands out is ‘spin doctoring’. You might remember Blair’s own spin doctor, the foul-mouthed Alistair Campbell who famously said, “We don’t do God,” when his master was asked a question about religion.

Blair’s successor, from the opposing party, David – now ‘Lord’ – Cameron announced that he admired Blair and declared himself to be an “heir to Blair”. It’s now obvious that Cameron and others admire Blair for the way in which he managed to not only successfully con the public into believing in his ideas, but also for his ability to thrive in the world of lies he created, which he and others continue to get away with today.

Under Cameron in 2010, the ‘Nudge Unit’ was set up and attached to his cabinet office. This took spin doctoring to the next level, using a team of psychologists. It currently employs between 100–500 people to routinely manipulate and reinterpret the reporting of news events in order to not only show government policies in a more favorable light, but to also get the British public to believe and accept things that work against their interests. They turned around the psychological “black ops” techniques developed by Britain’s 77th Brigade and the United States Special Operations Command, normally used to undermine the resolve and determination of foreign adversaries, back on their own populations. The ‘Nudge Unit’ was subsequently privatised and renamed “The Behavioral Insights Team” and has opened offices across the world, including in Wellington.

The Western world’s aping of Blair’s methods has produced useful results for them. One is the consolidation of many politicians – even those of nominally opposing parties – in order to present a united front to the gullible masses; this is the necessary precursor to gain acceptance of the “Great Reset”. Blair joined the board of the World Economic Forum in 2007 and the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change is partnered with the World Economic Forum.

On the way to creating this New World Order, progress has included subdividing populations into separate favoured groups: people of colour; immigrants, transvestites, LBGT+, party members, Muslims and supporters of Hamas, Black Lives Matter, etc. Unsubmissive white people and anyone tagged as ‘extreme right wing’ by the sycophant media, the ruling parties and/or their Nudge Units are designated personae non gratae and descended on by corrupt journos and government-sponsored ‘fact checkers’ if they have the audacity to raise their heads above the parapet and question government policy.

The orders are to ‘divide and conquer’ by favouring your followers wherever possible and by using official powers to discriminate against the ‘enemy’ and where necessary set your followers on that enemy. Charles Barkley said, “First of all, I’m just gonna say this: if I see a Black person walking around with Trump’s mugshot, I’m gonna punch him in the face, I mean that sincerely.” Maxine Waters urged activists to confront the Trump administration, saying, “You get out and create a crowd. You push back on them. You tell them they are not welcome anymore or anywhere.” Nancy Pelosi, the 52nd Speaker of the House of Representatives, said, “In politics, when you’re in the arena, you have to be ready to take a punch and you have to be ready to throw a punch…for the children.” Senator Jon Tester of Montana: “I don’t think even in states where Donald Trump won big that it does you any good running away from him. I think you need to go back and punch him in the face.” There are many such examples. You may note that there’s very little, if any, rhetoric of the same nature emerging from the Republicans.

And groups favoured by leftists are allowed to indulge in criminal activities, like Black Lives Matter burning down businesses in Minnesota and going virtually unpunished and the followers of Allah in a dozen or so British towns who sexually molested and raped vulnerable children and got away with it because police were afraid of being called ‘racist’.

Politicians are immersed in a world that is completely alien to their voters. Politicians hold only a peripheral interest in their constituents. When elections loom, they are wined and dined by corporate lobbyists in attempts to gain favour for their clients. Then there are overseas jollies awarded for favours delivered. On the top of all this is the requirement to keep alignment with the agenda of the WEF. It’s surely luck if a constituent can get anything worthwhile at all from their representative.

Commenters online often show frustration at citizens who seem to happily acquiesce to what’s going on and they tend to dismiss such people as being easily led. Sadly, that is the way politicians and many business leaders look at us too: just dim-witted members in a collectivist society. And this view has come to guide the thinking of Western politicians in recent decades. Individuals don’t count and even dozens of people are easily ignored. Consider the treatment of the victims of the UK Post Office scandal and the victims of the UK tainted-blood scandal.

I hoped that there might be a point when a pushback might begin but have to conclude I’ll be waiting a long time. In the meantime, the politicians, for the purpose of their own protection, will continue to harp on about depriving citizens of the right to own a gun (which will become increasingly necessary). Perhaps then, as the truth begins to penetrate the minds of the population – as that final stage of societal breakdown approaches – we might just wake up and finally realise we’re forced to take matters into our own hands, as per the common laws of ‘hue and cry’ or ‘posse comitatus,

Anarchy will then arrive, but of course this is a deliberately created opportunity for some.

“I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power.”

–Thomas Jefferson


The New Russian Freedom Program

The New Russian Freedom Program

There are countries more libertarian than Russia, but few have the future economic potential of Russia, with such positive cultural values and such a low cost of living for such a high quality of life. With the new visa program, you are free to choose.

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