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group of people attending burial
The BFD. Photo by Rhodi Lopez

A BFD reader recently received an email from their child who works in a funeral home in the UK.

The email covers a number of things, but below are the most pertinent parts that I think will be of interest.

As of now, we are still at the highest level of lockdown but people are not really staying within  5km from home. People are just getting sick of listening to the government promise on certain things in regards to the vaccine and every week say sorry we did not get the correct delivery this week. Only just over 500,000 vaccinated in Ireland nearly I think 18 million vaccinated in the UK.

Pubs not serving food have still not opened since last March. Going to be some very thirsty Irish people when they do open. Should just put the vaccine in the drink we will all be vaccinated in a week.

Work is busy. Not too many covid deaths for us but people are still dying and covid is the cause even if they had lung failure or heart problems. Even if you are on a covid ward in hospital and are tested and come back clear prior to death you are still classed as having covid

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