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Thousands Set to Take to Streets of London for March for Life UK

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The annual March for Life is taking place on Saturday 2 September in central London and its organisers are hoping for the biggest turnout yet. Last year, some 7,000 people made their way down Whitehall to gather on Parliament Square, outside the Houses of Parliament, to stand up for the right to life of unborn children. This year, it’s set to be even better.

Growing year on year

The March for Life began in Birmingham in 2012 with just a few hundred attendees. Since then, the March has grown steadily, so much so that it relocated to London in 2018 and has been held there ever since.

The March draws pro-life people from all over the country and gathers together pro-life groups to showcase their work and galvanise support. The March ends with a rally outside the Houses of Parliament and acts as a powerful demonstration to UK lawmakers that many members of the public want to see a change in our abortion laws.

Freedom to live

The theme of the March on 2 September is “Abortion destroys the freedom to live”.

March for Life UK’s co-director, Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, said “While many are concerned about restrictions on freedoms, the most fundamental freedom, the freedom to live, is still not accepted as a basic human right for all. This is why we march”.

In the UK, the number of babies’ lives ended by abortion is increasing year on year as pro-abortion campaigners call for abortion to be legalised up to birth, without restrictions. Spurred on by this, thousands will gather in central London to defend the right to life of the unborn.

Powerful testimonies and speakers address the crowds

The March will end with a rally in Parliament Square. Attendees will hear world-renowned speakers and powerful testimonies in defence of life.

One woman, Ellie, will address the crowds and share her personal journey from having multiple abortions to healing and becoming pro-life. In anticipation of the March, she shared “We’re told that abortion is empowering to women, but actually, I found it to have a devastating impact on my life”.

“I’m marching, and invite others to join me, because in 2023, women and babies deserve better than being abandoned to this trauma”.

“We can and must find solutions to support both lives in a pregnancy. Freedom for women surely means so much more than this”.

Join Right To Life UK at March for Life

The March begins at 1.30pm from the Emmanuel Centre, Marsham Street, London, SW1P 3DW. From 10.30am, there will be a morning exhibition of pro-life groups and engaging speakers at the Emmanuel Centre. All are invited to take part in the full itinerary.

Right To Life UK spokesperson Catherine Robinson said “We encourage all those who value life to come to the March for Life UK and make your voice heard. We look forward to meeting you there. Look out for us at the Emmanuel Centre before the March – you’ll recognise us by our orange balloons!”
