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Threatening Us with a Good Time Again

Professor Marcia Langton. The BFD. Illustration by Lushington Brady.

Does Marcia Langton ever actually listen to herself? Does this “academic”, feted by the left as a supposedly powerhouse intellect, actually believe the garbage she spouts? Nonsense, for instance, such as claiming that Aborigines have occupied Australia “for millions of years”, or lauding Bruce Pascoe’s make-believe taradiddle, Dark Emu.

More importantly, why does Langton insist on threatening us with a good time?

Declaring this was Australia’s “one chance” to achieve constitutional recognition, leading Yes campaigners joined with Professor Langton on Wednesday in warning they would not work with Peter Dutton on a second “voiceless” referendum if the poll next month failed because it was not what they wanted.

The Australian

Langton also told the Press Club this week that, if Australians vote “No” on the voice, they won’t get another chance.

This, after Langton warned that a No vote will mean that Australians never get to hear another “Welcome to Country”.

Despite their claims that they will prevail, plummeting opinion polls are clearly sparking panic in the Yes camp. After months of no-compromise, key campaigners are suddenly backtracking, big time.

Labor has opened the door to allowing dissenting Aboriginal leaders to formally break from the voice’s majority-backed advice, as Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney declares “different views and opinions are a good thing”.

Ms Burney on Wednesday would not rule out the suggestion by Indigenous leader and Yes campaigner Noel Pearson that the body be designed so “dissenting voices (are) formally allowed”, in line with how parliamentary committees were run.

Yes: before that, they were adamant that the “Voice” would be a groupthink exercise. Now they’re acting as if allowing different opinions is some kind of massive concession. Do these people really ever listen to themselves?

Other key Voice campaigners, though, are adamant that it’s an echo-chamber, or nothing.

Constitutional experts George Williams and Greg Craven say the influence of the advisory body could be undermined if it presented various views on the same issue […]

Professor Craven said if dissenting views were allowed, they would need to be constrained or kept to a certain length.

In other words, Aboriginal people in remote communities can shut up and do as the Big Men and box-tickers in the cities and universities tell them.

Aboriginal people, though, as not so keen on being treated as a lumpen mass. As if a blond, blue-eyed “indigenous” activist in inner Melbourne has anything to do with brutalised Aboriginal women and children in town camps in the Top End.

Worse, the idea that Aboriginal people have no voice now is patronising and insulting.

Opposition Indigenous Australians spokeswoman Jacinta Nampijinpa Price said it was wrong to think one body could represent the views of all Aboriginal people.

“We have the ability to speak and disagree right now, just like all other Australians, we don’t need a voice to allow that,” she said of Mr Pearson’s proposal.

The Australian

Nampinjinpa Price’s fellow “No” campaigner, Warren Mundine, is also taking issue with the victim mentality of the Aboriginal Industry.

Indigenous leader Nyunggai Warren Mundine has condemned a recommendation of Victoria’s Indigenous “truth telling” commission that would require the state’s police commissioner to have an understanding of the “role of Victoria Police in the dispossession, murder and assimilation of First Peoples”, accusing the Yoorrook Justice Commission of having a “grievance and victim approach”.

The prominent opponent of an Indigenous voice to parliament was also critical of the commission’s focus on incarceration rates, saying it should target crime reduction instead […]

Mr Mundine said that while Indigenous Australians were over-represented in prisons, “most of us are not incarcerated; we don’t have problems with the police; we get on with our lives”.

The Australian

Next thing you know, Mundine will be saying such offensive things as that Aboriginal Australians are Australians like any other, and perfectly capable of taking responsibility for their own lives, and thriving. As most indeed are.

If we allow that sort of heretical thinking, then where will the white, box-ticking activists be? They’ll have to get real jobs and get off the public tit! The horror!
