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Tide Going Out on Three Waters

shoreline during sunset
Photo by Nils Nedel. The BFD.

This government has proved beyond doubt that they are slow learners – very slow learners. And it appears they think the voting public are a ‘ship of fools’. That they thought they could get away with a bit of window dressing on a policy to which the majority of the country was vehemently opposed beggars belief. It is just another instance of this government running roughshod over the wishes of the people.

To leave in a policy the very parts that people were most opposed to and re-present it under a new name with more than twice the bureaucracy is just plain dumb. No one with half a brain is going to buy that, but the minister in charge, Kieran McAnulty, seems to think they will. I watched the presser. Evidently, he’s been around all the Councils and he’s convinced most will support the revised policy. Co-governance was brought up just once, in New Plymouth.

An article on Stuff states that at least thirty mayors say the government hasn’t listened to or addressed their concerns. That’s nearly half and no doubt there are others. I voted in the Stuff poll on whether the government was on the right track. Yeah 22% Nah 78%.

It’s obvious who is running this country. It’s the native cabal, the ‘we were here first’ brigade otherwise known as the Maori Caucus. Either Hipkins didn’t have the courage to stare them down, or he did and, predictably, came off second best. From this, we can deduce Hipkins is from the same mould as Ardern, except he’s a man – or perhaps a Cunliffe-type apology will be forthcoming.

It is truly depressing to think what a pack of numbskulls are running this country. They are so devoid of rational thinking they believe the populace will buy into a ‘my way or the highway’ approach. It might have worked with Covid, but that will be a once only and it certainly won’t work with Three Waters. The same goes for David Parker’s RMA reforms: the vast majority don’t want a bar of them.

If these would-be tyrants think their approach of divide and rule plus pandering to a waka load of Maori elites is the right one, they need to think again. Most people in this country still believe in democracy, law and order, decent systems for health and education, and the need to work. This Labour Government, drowning in its own ideology, doesn’t understand. The upshot of that will be their summary eviction in October, no matter what the polls currently say.
