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putting out fire with gasline

Dave Rennie

This Government has taken New Zealand to the edge of the cliff with its plan to have tribal rule by 2040 as outlined in He Puapua.

Every governing political party has made strong moves to show that the whole country can change for the better. In every government except this one. This government has allowed itself to be bullied and intimidated by an unhinged Maori caucus with a not-so secret agenda.

Millions of dollars have been spent to advance the undemocratic Maorification of every aspect of everyday life, from gagging the mainstream media by way of financial incentives, to penalties if anyone or organisation dares to disagree with anything Maori.

Willie Jackson made the statement: “When we control the water, we control the country.”

Jacinda Ardern was certainly a master at making people feel like they were being listened to, both on mainstream and social media, with millions of dollars of tax-payer-funded propaganda. But, when faced with a large political choice, Ardern generally did as little as possible – unless it was an emergency – then she acted.

She even famously asserted that she believed it would be possible to do her job without lying, which unsurprisingly turned out to be laughable.

We now have Chris Hipkins as Prime Minister: a man who couldn’t run a bath and is a master of deceit with an abysmal track record of failure in every ministerial portfolio he’s held. A pseudo-leader who evidently doesn’t know what a woman is without researching the question. Surely we can hardly expect he has what it takes to move our country out of the mire.

New Zealand cannot go through another term of announcements that never come to anything, and a diet of publicity about weddings, babies and feel-good events that take us nowhere. Time’s up!

This is not the working people’s party: this is a party hell bent on creating more state dependency and a racial divide on a national scale.

What they say and what we get are polar opposites.
