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Time to Just Say No to This Government

The BFD. Credit: Cam Slater Credit: Cam Slater

Gauleiter Jacinda Ardern has pulled her jackboots back on and is talking about compulsory app use and mask-wearing. She’s once again channelling her inner fascist:

The Government is considering mandatory QR scanning in “high-risk” locations such as bars and restaurants, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says.

Cabinet has commissioned advice on the move, after daily scans fell from a high of 2 million every day at the height of the pandemic in New Zealand to a low of just over 400,000.

Over time, requiring people to scan would become part of every day life, much like showing ID in a bar, Ardern said at today’s post-Cabinet press briefing,

The Prime Minister said that the Government was also considering mandating mask-wearing at Levels 2 and above at certain high-risk locations.

NZ Herald

Two words, and please excuse my language…GET. FUCKED.

This nonsense has to end. Why is anyone required to wear masks on public transport anyway? The last community CCP Virus case was literally months ago. There is simply zero need for this malarkey to carry on, other than to train more docile slaves for the machine.

Same goes for contact tracing. Why? No one has the bloody virus…NO ONE AT ALL.

Ardern said the last week has seen Covid cause significant disruption in New Zealand and it was time to review our “toolbox”.

Significant disruption for a super tricky, tricky virus NO ONE has caught. The only disruption we have is caused by the Jacinda Virus not the CCP Virus.

Asked why mandated scanning had not already been put in place, Ardern said the hope had been that people would scan.

She said the delay in putting mandated scanning in place was around the difficulty in enforcement.

The Government had remained “open-minded” on mandated scanning and operators would be responsible for ensuring that people scanned QR codes at high-risk locations.

NZ Herald

They would be as open-minded as the Taliban on allowing gay nightclubs. They just want more control over your life.

You aren’t all using the government snitch app like they want, so now it will be compulsory. They aren’t getting sign ins so compulsion is the answer.

And you naughty lot aren’t wearing your masks, so let’s make that compulsory too.

All for ZERO community cases. Get Fucked!

Any business that tells me I HAVE TO sign in will no longer enjoy my custom. I live freely, not beholden to the nanny state that not only wants to control what vehicles I drive, but also control my thoughts and ideas and speech, and now they want to control my access and movement.

Just say NO!

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