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woman holding man and toddler hands during daytime
Photo by Jessica Rockowitz. The BFD.

For the past few decades, Western countries have been manipulated into the sort of massive social-engineering programmes once associated with totalitarian communist states: the mass farming out of child rearing to the state.

The Soviets and the Maoists were very big on creches, so that the workers could slave away for the collective while their children were thoroughly indoctrinated in ‘right think’. The Long March managerial class who’ve been in the ascendant since the 1980s are no different.

Far from rebelling against this ‘nudged’ social experiment, though, we in the West have meekly submitted. To the point that the only thing separating us from Huxley’s Brave New World are the natty jumpsuits and the bottle-incubated babies.

We’re so thoroughly brainwashed by the Big Nanny state that we’re expected to celebrate when it demands more and more of our children’s precious young years. The Albanese government is spruiking its plans for “universal early child care”.

Which, in effect, means handing our children over to the state practically from birth.
Whether we can afford it or not.

If there’s one thing most Australian families can agree on, it’s the enormous difficulty of finding suitable childcare. Two-thirds of parents find early childhood education and care a financial burden […]

This all paints a clear picture of ECEC in Australia: it’s too expensive, there aren’t enough places or workers, and it’s failing children and families.

The Australian

Yet no one is willing to state the obvious: dump the whole scam entirely.

The meek subservience to the Big Nanny state is simply mind-boggling. Parents complain about the expense of childcare, to the point that one parent’s wages go entirely to childcare.

Then why are you doing it? Stay home and raise your own child!

“But families need two wages, these days!” they whine. Even as they admit that one of those wages is simply paying for the childcare. So cut out the middleman and free your children from at least a few years of woke indoctrination.

Because that’s exactly what they’re getting.

From childcare onwards, Australian children are being funnelled through a depressing pipeline of propaganda that depicts this country as being racist. Recent research by the Institute of Public Affairs has revealed that the government-mandated Early Learning Framework tells toddlers this nation is so fractured that their role in life is to mend it by being active citizens in the journey of reconciliation.

Anecdotally, I hear from people who are furious to find out from their kids that Aboriginal activists have been to their school, telling them that ‘Australia is racist and kills black people.’ That is literally what the kids are taking home.

Thanks to the addition of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories Cross Curriculum Priority in our National Curriculum, the single narrative currently taught to primary and secondary school students is that Australia was founded on racism, and that the arrival of the First Fleet in 1788 resulted in dispossession and genocide.

It is no coincidence that the Acknowledgement of Country ceremonies are becoming more elaborate and increasingly performative by the day. It recently came to light that students in a Sydney primary school start their day by putting their hands on the ground and repeating “always was, always will be Aboriginal land” before each assembly. In a Victorian school it was uncovered that the “Aboriginal national anthem” was being played in lieu of the official version for assemblies.

The Australian

This is the sort of stuff we used to scoff at hearing about the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany. Children indoctrinated in the official cult of the regime, taught to recite its pledges, march to its anthems, and salute its cult heroes, whether Pavlik Morozov or der Fuhrer.

Who is the better off for universal, cradle-to-grave childcare? Is it merely coincidental that young people today are more mentally fragile, lonely and fearful than ever before?

For 300,000 years, children were raised by their parents, other blood relatives and nearest neighbours. They turned out mostly pretty fine.

Now, we’ve been brainwashed and bullied into handing our children over to the ‘experts’.

And we’re all the worse off for it.

Raise your own kids. Then home school them.
