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Tommy Robinson Confronts Virus Attackers

Just your everday “British youths”. The BFD.

Can we call it germ warfare, yet? While many people are getting into the habit of “social distancing” (people at the checkouts at Chemist Warehouse today were neatly spaced a metre or more apart), there are some notable exceptions.

There is a disturbing incidence of people not just ignoring pleas to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, but actively trying to infect, or at least terrorise others with the threat of infection.

Videos from China have shown people deliberately spitting on elevator buttons, doorknobs and fresh produce. At least one woman has been arrested.

Now, in Britain, Tommy Robinson has been caught in a fracas with Youths of a Certain Description coughing and spitting on an elderly couple.

Robinson and his family were in their vehicle when he spotted the three youths abusing the older man and woman who were on their way to buy groceries.

According to the elderly male victim, the couple were walking down the street towards the store when the youths “purposely coughed” at them. The man said he called out to the three men, saying, “You can’t do that. That’s just not on.”

A female witness at the scene said the attackers were spitting and coughing into the elderly woman’s face when Robinson pulled up and said, “Boys, give it a rest! That’s disgusting behaviour!”

The witness went on to say, the three young men then approached Robinson’s car, and started yanking at his door handle. When Robinson emerged from his car, the thugs then slammed the door into him before kicking in the back of his vehicle.

Robinson’s children were in the car at the time and managed to capture much of the attack on video.

At least two of the “youths” had notably distinct appearances and accents.

The reaction from British police was about what we’ve come to expect.

Soon after police arrived at the scene and accused Robinson of “overstepping the line.”

Now we just have to wait for the BBC, Guardian, HuffPo and the rest, to start screaming headlines about “Far-right racist Tommy Robinson in racist attack on peaceful migrant youth”.

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