On 2 August I wrote an article for the BFD called, ‘Kiwis do not want a jab’. About 30% of New Zealanders said they would not want a COVID-19 vaccination. I also heard from friends who would not accept one either.
I wrote in my guest post …
New Zealand has a strong anti-vaccine movement. There are those who refuse or may be reluctant to be vaccinated or have their children vaccinated. This week I heard of four kiwis who said they would not have a vaccine to protect them from any disease, let alone against COVID-19.
Anti-vax sentiment is becoming more entrenched among nearly 1/3 of kiwis – a worrying trend one leading scientist has blamed on social media-driven ‘misinfodemic’
NZ Herald 10 June 2020
It is in all New Zealanders’ best interest, to see what Dr Megan Woods, had to say about new legislation recently rushed through under urgency last week by this Labour-led government. She admits that it lays the legal frame work to allow forced vaccinations in the future by the government should they choose to make vaccinations compulsory.
I presume Woods reads the NZ Herald and noted that there is a large percentage of Kiwis’ who are reluctant to be injected with a new vaccine. Will these people be ignored in the future? In other words, will Kiwis lose the right to decide what goes into their body? Will “my body my choice” no longer be a left-wing slogan?
The rushed legislation will have the legal framework to “future proof” it so that a COVID-19 vaccination can be given to an unwilling person, if necessary.
Who does Woods think might need to be forced to be vaccinated? A Kiwi returning from overseas? Someone needing to travel overseas? Those working in the health sector? Anyone working with older people? All older people? An anti-vaxxer? Children or teachers?
This Labour-led Government is out of control. New Zealanders should be alarmed to know that this government is even considering controlling their subjects, New Zealanders by forcing them to be jabbed.
I wonder what Dr Shane Reti, thinks about this new legislation?
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