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Too Late to Change Your Mind If You Change the Constitution

Australians are being asked to vote blindly. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Remember when we were told that same-sex marriage was about “gays getting married — nothing else”? How’s that worked out for us?

It’s taken barely five years to get from there to being screamed at as “bigots” if we raise an eyebrow at drag queens stripping in front of children, thousands of teenagers being sterilised in the name of “gender affirmation”, and being forced to call a man in a dress “ma’am”.

I’ve lost count of the number of times I have heard ‘but I didn’t vote for that’ answers when discussing every lurch towards inclusion, diversity, and acceptance of radical ideology. Just like the pandemic, so-called experts and professionals have been trotted out to extoll their obviously superior intellect and predictions, some sincere but most just following the narrative, giving unchallengeable statements even in the face of obvious conflicting evidence […]

To feign the smallest uncertainty against whatever the latest progressive ‘die at the stake’ groupthink is to invite the cancelling and polarisation of your beliefs and opinions.

Of course, much of the slim majority who bothered returning their “voluntary postal surveys” marked “Yes”, did so entirely in good faith. They no doubt sincerely believed that it was all about “gays getting married — nothing else”. They surely believed that that would be the end of it: the “progressive” left would finally be satisfied, and go away and leave us all alone.

Remorseful buyers of Woke ideology need to accept they have been conned, used, and manipulated by the Left, just like pawns in a game of chess to maintain the march through our institutions and customs.

The brutal lesson that should have been learned by now is that you can never satisfy the left. Every concession only encourages them to demand more, like giving a greedy child “just one sweet”.

And SSM isn’t even enshrined in the Constitution.

With that in mind, Australians might want to exercise extreme caution before the “Indigenous Voice” referendum.

They need to look at themselves in the mirror and admit, however grudgingly, that they were fooled into believing that all the progressives wanted was to be just like everyone else when in fact all they wanted was that everyone else be like them.

The next big test will be how we consider the so-called ‘Voice’ to Parliament.

Spectator Australia

At least they pretended to tell us what they actually wanted, with SSM. It was a lie, of course, but at least they pretended. With the “Voice”, they’re not even pretending. They’re straight-up refusing to tell us what we’re voting for. “We’ll sort it out after it’s passed by referendum.” Trust them, they’re politicians.

If a half-arsed “voluntary postal survey”, not even a plebiscite, can be leveraged by the left to enforce such ruinous unannounced changes on Australia, just imagine what they’ll do with the power of the Constitution behind them.

The only sensible option is to do as Australians almost always do with referenda: Tell ‘em to go and get stuffed.
