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Top Conservative News Sites to Read in 2021

Photoshopped image credit The BFD.

Liberty Nation

Perhaps this year when so many feel so betrayed by the media, searching for solid conservative news sites takes on a new meaning. From spin merchants to sites carrying poorly-sourced “clickbait,” the sifting and sorting has become a challenge to navigate. Nevertheless, we persevered and want to welcome you to Liberty Nation’s Top 20 Conservative News Sites to read in 2021. For the last two years, LN has generated the most wildly successful list of news sites conservative folks are actually reading. Our list remains the number one DuckDuckGo search result for Top Conservative News sites.

And 2021 looks to be even better.

This is not simply a list of Alexa rankings or a pick of favoured sites by LN; it’s a whole lot more. Our methodology includes extensive polling of conservative readers that has been running in the countdown to 2021 coupled with input from select Liberty Nation authors.* To keep our list as representative of the conservative community as possible, we have used an algorithm that factors in last year’s results. We believe this Top 20 represents the most accurate reflection of the top news sites being read by conservatives on the internet.

Unlike many lists out in the Wild West of the web, Liberty Nation’s is not based purely on how many hits the site receives. Without sounding too imperious we like to say “clickbait factories” need not apply. Instead, our Top 20 represents sites with a combination of talent, style, readability, analysis, and provocative thought. We believe conservative readers are an intelligent group, where spin is not necessary.

As a bonus, we’ve once again included a list of the very best Conservative News Aggregator sites for those who like to get all their news from one source.

Without further ado, we proudly present our countdown of Liberty Nation’s Top 20 Conservative News Sites to Read in 2021!


# 20  Red State –

Unapologetically right-wing, this site offers hard-hitting news aimed at leftist media outlets, politicians, and culture rot.

# 19  The Daily Wire –

The Wire offers solid commentary and the occasional analysis piece that sheds light on unexplored areas – an excellent place to get the initial take on breaking news.

# 18  Reason –

This libertarian site tied to the Reason Foundation covers politics and culture – and a good deal of comedy in their videos – through an ideologically consistent lens of individual liberty and the free market.

Top Conservative News Sites

# 17  The Washington Times –

A tried and true lifeline for the few conservatives living in and around D.C., WT has rightly been recognized as a stalwart of contrarian opinion and solid journalism. Its slogan says it all: Reliable reporting, the right opinion.

# 16  The Conservative Treehouse –

An interesting mix of reporting, passion, and analysis, described as The Last Refuge, the Treehouse offers insight and opinion that is lacking in much of the media world. It has a growing audience and is fast becoming a force to be reckoned with on the political right.

# 15  The American Spectator –

A longtime leader in conservative thought, The American Spectator offers up content that is at once strikingly original, thought-provoking, plain-spoken, and often satirical. Its new design is particularly user-friendly.

# 14  Just The News –

Flagship of the award-winning investigative journalist John Solomon, Just The News lands with a huge bang. Great reporting, excellent coverage, and a fast-growing media presence all in a tidy site that is easy to navigate and up-to-date.

# 13  Media Research Center –

After 30 years of filling a crucial and previously unfilled role – documenting left-wing media bias – MRC has rightly become a giant in conservative circles. Their website offers skillful reporting and analysis of how the media characterizes and responds to the day’s big stories.

# 12  New York Post –

With hard-hitting coverage, the Post pulls no punches and goes against the grain in a 90% liberal city – kudos for breaking the Hunter Biden laptop story and for having the strength to stay the course.

# 11  One America News Network –

A first-time entry on the LN list, this news network is already a firm favorite with conservatives and even President Trump himself. Offering thoughtful television programs and a companion news site, its growth over the last year has been nothing short of phenomenal.

# 10  The Daily Caller –

Incredibly readable, a great news source, and, drawing upon the Daily Caller News Foundation’s work, it brings in-depth coverage of significant political developments barely covered – if at all – in the establishment media.

# 9  American Thinker –

A triumph of substance over style, going well below the surface and hype to examine the heart of American politics and the players in the game, with no-holds-barred deep dives into interactive topics of national security, diplomacy, economic policy, and more.

# 8  PJ Media –

Moving two spaces up the leaderboard, PJM is a casual, entertaining, and thought-provoking site that covers not only politics and culture but also delves into subjects such as faith and parenting. This site doesn’t hold back in going after the left – and it does so in an entertaining and often humorous manner.

# 7  Townhall –

A longtime favorite of conservatives, Townhall offers a wide variety of content from notable free-market figures and is thought to be a must for conservative news junkies seeking reliable coverage of the big issues. It is a classic oldie, but goodie.

# 6  The Epoch Times –

This is the highest-ranked new addition to the list. Epoch offers the whole package, breaking news, analysis, opinion, and some exclusive shows with a lot of potential. Very informative when it comes to international news with a great layout.

# 5  Judicial Watch –

Once again, in the number five slot, Judicial Watch is perhaps best known for its aggressive pursuit of official wrongdoers and offers a superb example of a site that does not necessarily attract the most viewers but offers exceptional content that our writers and readers value and therefore rate highly.

# 4  The Gateway Pundit –

Moving up four places from last year, Gateway Pundit has a well-earned reputation for offering fresh angles on old news and unveiling stories hard, if not impossible, to find elsewhere. It’s a go-to site that is certainly one to watch out for in the future.

# 3  Liberty Nation –

Moving up yet another spot since 2020, Liberty Nation presents as a full multi-media site, expanding its offerings beyond articles to an extensive array of high-quality videos, podcasts, and a nationally syndicated radio show. Liberty Nation offers original conservative and libertarian content not found elsewhere by employing a bodacious, entertaining, and informative writing style.

# 2  Breitbart –

Breitbart is the go-to site for voluminous coverage of all things political and cultural. It has built a well-earned reputation for its brash style and out-of-the-box conservative and libertarian thought and is the flagship of in-your-face conservative commentary. Breitbart pulls few punches, earning it the eternal contempt of the left – which its writers and editors consider a badge of honor, no doubt.

# 1  The Federalist –

Its third year in the top five and first year in the number one spot, The Federalist is a powerhouse of conservative thought with superb writers. Rather than focus on breaking news, this site is a bastion of depth, breadth, and analysis. If you’re looking for rational and logical refutations of the leftist worldview, this is a good place to start.


News aggregators are fast becoming a staple in the conservative media diet. With the fall from grace of The Drudge Report among those on the political right, which aggregators are up to the task? In 2021, you have a range of options. We present Liberty Nation’s Top Three Best Conservative News Aggregators:

# 3  Conservative News Direct –

Easy to use and displaying only stories from top-rated websites, this aggregator is for those who only want the cream of the crop in terms of their news diet. Regularly updated, it’s a fantastic site for keeping up on the latest news.

# 2  ConservativePlaylist –

This site is easy on the eyes, simple to navigate, and doesn’t suffer from the cluttering aspect inherent in so many other aggregators. CP has a solid range of links from good quality websites.


The WHATFINGER juggernaut goes from strength to strength. It offers news and video aggregation and is fast becoming a real alternative to Drudge. Whatever you are looking for, you will likely find it on WHATFINGER.

Honorable Mentions

Rantingly –

Rantingly is a relative newcomer. The site provides a good layout, is easy to navigate, and hosts some quality content – one to watch in the future.

Rense –

Jeff Rense’s eponymous site is a treat for those who like things a little bit different.

AllNewsPipeline –

Offering a mix of regular news and alternative, ANP is simple to use and regularly updated.

* authors participating in this survey: Tim Donner, Mark Angelides, Scott D. Cosenza, Jeff Charles, and Graham J. Noble.

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