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Photoshopped image credit: Pixy

Most left-wing politicians, bureaucrats and academics don’t have ‘skin in the game’ as most of the ‘Left’ have never owned a business or understand how the free market functions; for the left to possess that knowledge is contrary to their Marxist ideologies. To the far-left, money grows on trees and capitalism is nasty.

The opportunity to shut down our New Zealand economy and destroy our economic freedom because of another coronavirus, and the chance to force voters into financial indenture to the Labour Party, must have been too tantalising for them to turn down.

Even in a State of Emergency the Labour Party alone is not the Government. And yet, the Labour Party has been allowed to enforce regulations contrary to the New Zealand Bill of Rights. They have:

  • Attacked our freedom by enforcing ‘house arrest’ for people of all ages.
  • Deprived us of our hard-earned property, including businesses built up over a lifetime.
  • Taken away our freedom to work.
  • Caused irreversible harm by closing down the majority of our domestic and export economy. (This by arbitrarily deciding what are, and what are not, essential businesses)
  • Substantially increased unemployment and dependency on the state.
  • Jointly with the Police enforced a ‘police state’.
  • Refused to reveal the Crown Law advice supporting their actions (not even privately to the Oversight Committee).
  • Preyed on fear for the vulnerable to implement their doctrine.
  • Ruined some people’s retirement and placed our younger generations in unnecessary debt.
  • Unnecessarily closed down our economy unlike Australia and Taiwan (also both ‘islands’), who have kept their economies open and who, so far, still garner better COVID-19 results.

The Bill of Rights states that the Attorney-General is to report to Parliament where a ‘Bill’ appears to be inconsistent with our Bill of Rights.

The mainstream media, in cahoots with left-wing politicians world wide, have accelerated the destruction of our free Western civilisation by propagating virus panic. They need to be held accountable, and they eventually will.

The hidden harm of depression and anxiety that people are experiencing cannot currently be measured with a pretty graph. But when the suicide rates and use of medication, drugs and alcohol accelerate and manifest themselves, will those increased figures remain cloaked from the general public? Probably.

More deaths will occur as ‘poverty’ increases; possibly many more than from COVID-19 itself.

Legislation needs to be passed and enshrined in our Bill of Rights so that our New Zealand economy cannot ever be shut down again on the ideological whim of unqualified politicians and selected experts.

Politicians should NEVER be allowed to do this again!

New Zealand should go to level 2 immediately, whilst allowing the Medical Fraternity to handle the COVID-19 virus.

Time to put ‘Marxist Princess’ Jacinda Ardern and her incompetent cohort back in their box.

Photoshopped image credit: Pixy

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